Vertebrate Genomes assembly hubs, assembly statistics

Assemblies from NCBI/Genbank/Refseq sources, subset of other vertebrates only.

See also: hub accesstrack statistics

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(gap size sum)
1 Abingdon island giant tortoise Chelonoidis abingdonii GCF_003597395.1_ASM359739v1 10,618 2,300,739,315 63,430 131,201,757 27.42
2 adder (hap1 2024) Vipera berus GCA_964194415.1_rVipBer3.hap1.1 479 1,695,017,208 1,057 211,400 50.49
3 adder (hap2 2024) Vipera berus GCA_964194405.1_rVipBer3.hap2.1 348 1,476,666,783 908 181,443 48.46
4 Aeolian wall lizard (La Canna islet alternate hap 2022) Podarcis raffonei GCA_027172095.1_rPodRaf1.alt 4,811 182,031,793 3 260 27.46
5 Aeolian wall lizard (La Canna islet primary hap 2022 refseq) Podarcis raffonei GCF_027172205.1_rPodRaf1.pri 27 1,513,131,503 30 23,116 38.30
6 African bullfrog (1538 2019) Pyxicephalus adspersus GCA_004786255.1_Pads_1.0 5,411 1,563,367,516 121,461 164,412,553 27.96
7 African clawed frog (2021) Xenopus laevis GCF_017654675.1_Xenopus_laevis_v10.1 55 2,742,469,346 667 1,674,718 43.70
8 American alligator (2023 refseq) Alligator mississippiensis GCF_030867095.1_rAllMis1 195 2,346,795,873 161 16,453,847 42.90
9 American alligator (KSC_2009_1 2016) Alligator mississippiensis GCF_000281125.3_ASM28112v4 7,094 2,161,730,208 236,641 47,274,298 36.07
10 American eel (EN2019 2024) Anguilla rostrata GCF_018555375.3_ASM1855537v3 967 976,090,453 985 94,525 27.48
11 Asian vine snake (Xishuangbanna 2023) Ahaetulla prasina GCF_028640845.1_ASM2864084v1 748 1,772,420,080 331 33,100 48.91
12 Asiatic toad (SCDJY-AF-19 2020) Bufo gargarizans GCF_014858855.1_ASM1485885v1 748 4,545,482,719 3,874 81,454,369 58.76
13 Atlantic hagfish (MG_SS 2024) Myxine glutinosa GCF_040869285.1_UKY_Mglu_1.0 4,270 3,829,277,745 4,876 2,253,344 75.19
14 Atlantic hagfish (primary hap 2024) Myxine glutinosa GCA_964187855.1_kmMyxGlut1.1 4,004 3,057,523,704 4,412 882,096 74.33
15 Atlantic stingray (hap1 2023 refseq) Hypanus sabinus GCF_030144855.1_sHypSab1.hap1 2,989 4,044,869,043 1,648 329,600 51.80
16 Atlantic stingray (hap2 2023) Hypanus sabinus GCA_030144785.1_sHypSab1.hap2 1,412 3,635,158,545 1,633 326,600 50.34
17 Australian saltwater crocodile Crocodylus porosus GCF_001723895.1_CroPor_comp1 70 2,049,536,252 97,039 108,664,899 34.94
18 axolotl (DD151 2021) Ambystoma mexicanum GCA_002915635.3_AmbMex60DD 27,157 28,206,905,576 184,422 3,685,753 68.20
19 axolotl (Mex_15411 2024) Ambystoma mexicanum GCF_040938575.1_UKY_AmexF1_1 221 29,117,864,639 2,095 417,300 67.13
20 basking shark (sCetMax3.hap1.1 2024) Cetorhinus maximus GCA_964194155.1_sCetMax3.hap1.1 5,088 3,993,866,540 2,778 555,635 65.99
21 basking shark (sCetMax3.hap2.1 2024) Cetorhinus maximus GCA_964194165.1_sCetMax3.hap2.1 3,829 3,817,333,378 2,740 548,000 67.08
22 Bellinger river turtle (v2 BRST_UC0152H_USYD 2025) Myuchelys georgesi GCA_040894355.2_rMyuGeo1.pri 109 1,980,039,302 77 15,400 26.49
23 beluga (Lower Danube River Hh-F2 2024) Huso huso GCA_036884735.1_HHUS_1.1 1,383 1,942,381,910 3,967 1,980,873 41.06
24 Blainville's horned lizard (alternate hap 2022) Phrynosoma blainvillii GCA_026167975.1_rPhrBla1.0.hap2 52 1,968,358,621 64 6,400 40.57
25 Blainville's horned lizard (primary hap 2022) Phrynosoma blainvillii GCA_026167985.1_rPhrBla1.0.hap1 78 2,210,317,752 73 7,300 40.92
26 blonde ray (primary hap 2023) Raja brachyura GCA_963514005.1_sRajBra1.1 1,647 2,700,467,673 2,269 453,800 66.30
27 brown anole (Geneva1000 2022 refseq) Anolis sagrei ordinatus GCF_025583915.1_AnoSag2.1 3,738 1,926,425,113 114,440 31,587,590 45.00
28 brown anole (maternal hap 2024 genbank) Anolis sagrei GCA_037176765.1_rAnoSag1.mat 29 1,950,830,970 191 38,200 46.73
29 Brown anole (maternal hap 2024 refseq) Anolis sagrei GCF_037176765.1_rAnoSag1.mat 29 1,950,830,970 191 38,200 46.73
30 Brown anole (rAnoSag1 2024) Anolis sagrei GCA_037176775.1_rAnoSag1.pat 41 1,727,284,250 172 34,400 44.79
31 brown house snake (FMNH 251328 2023) Boaedon fuliginosus GCA_027560395.1_ASM2756039v1 583,668 1,404,044,445 169,987 25,801,168 34.95
32 brown spotted pit viper Protobothrops mucrosquamatus GCF_001527695.2_P.Mucros_1.0 52,280 1,673,876,332 115,571 131,596,805 35.18
33 Burmese python Python bivittatus GCF_000186305.1_Python_molurus_bivittatus-5.0.2 39,113 1,435,052,152 235,132 50,501,725 25.32
34 California glossy snake (A.elegans occidentalis HBS 135684 alternate hap 2022) Arizona elegans GCA_022578425.1_rAriEle1.0.a 54,869 2,206,698,359 5,955 595,511 46.05
35 California glossy snake (A.elegans occidentalis HBS 135684 primary hap 2022) Arizona elegans GCA_022577455.1_rAriEle1.0.p 140 1,842,551,953 256 25,618 46.73
36 Caribbean electric ray (hap1 2024 refseq) Narcine bancroftii GCF_036971445.1_sNarBan1.hap1 595 3,328,432,768 1,443 277,765 54.80
37 Caribbean electric ray (hap2 2024) Narcine bancroftii GCA_036971175.1_sNarBan1.hap2 445 3,110,263,114 1,507 286,941 52.51
38 central bearded dragon Pogona vitticeps GCF_900067755.1_pvi1.1 13,749 1,716,675,060 90,546 68,427,839 29.79
39 Chinese alligator Alligator sinensis GCF_000455745.1_ASM45574v1 9,317 2,270,567,745 167,965 71,965,296 37.54
40 Chinese soft-shelled turtle Pelodiscus sinensis GCF_000230535.1_PelSin_1.0 19,904 2,202,483,752 185,476 95,844,368 32.34
41 coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae GCF_000225785.1_LatCha1 22,819 2,860,591,921 269,010 676,999,153 34.87
42 coelacanth (fLatCha1 primary hap 2024) Latimeria chalumnae GCF_037176945.1_fLatCha1.pri 197 2,947,609,019 154 30,632 54.45
43 Columbretes wall lizard (hap1.1 2025) Podarcis liolepis GCA_965112155.1_rPodLio1.hap1.1 290 1,574,020,868 921 184,200 40.01
44 common blue-tongued skink (hap1 2024) Tiliqua scincoides GCA_035046495.1_rTilSci1.hap1 827 1,694,434,935 286 57,200 37.75
45 common blue-tongued skink (hap2 2024) Tiliqua scincoides GCA_035046505.1_rTilSci1.hap2 350 1,623,332,312 372 74,400 37.07
46 common frog (alternate hap 2021) Rana temporaria GCA_905171725.1_aRanTem1.1_alternate_haplotype 12,019 3,686,210,129 14 85,788 55.47
47 common garter snake Thamnophis sirtalis GCF_001077635.1_Thamnophis_sirtalis-6.0 7,930 1,424,897,867 246,220 302,274,245 27.09
48 common lizard Z.vivipara (primary hap 2023) Zootoca vivipara GCF_963506605.1_rZooViv1.1 48 1,440,239,386 683 136,600 45.64
49 common newt (primary hap 2024) Lissotriton vulgaris GCA_964263255.1_aLisVul1.1 15,265 24,226,223,864 4,030 805,825 63.80
50 common spadefoot toad (primary hap 2024 genbank) Pelobates fuscus GCA_036172605.1_aPelFus1.pri 160 3,606,474,367 349 69,626 51.45
51 common spadefoot toad (primary hap 2024 refseq) Pelobates fuscus GCF_036172605.1_aPelFus1.pri 159 3,606,456,729 349 69,626 51.45
52 common toad (alternate hap 2021) Bufo bufo GCA_905171715.1_aBufBuf1.1_alternate_haplotype 24,195 3,744,894,388 156 491,279 61.49
53 common toad (primary hap 2021) Bufo bufo GCF_905171765.1_aBufBuf1.1 1,306 5,044,744,194 4,199 9,878,258 62.71
54 common wall lizard (hap1 2024) Podarcis muralis GCA_964188315.1_rPodMur119.hap1.1 185 1,522,641,370 827 165,400 38.70
55 common wall lizard (hap2 2024) Podarcis muralis GCA_964188365.1_rPodMur119.hap2.1 91 1,433,931,530 734 146,800 37.85
56 common wall lizard (yellow 2019) Podarcis muralis GCF_004329235.1_PodMur_1.0 2,161 1,511,020,169 4,085 2,917,502 36.17
57 corn snake (Columbia U 2023) Pantherophis guttatus GCF_029531705.1_CU_Pguttatus_1 466 1,708,105,946 3,553 58,150,805 48.06
58 corn snake (EG266 2020) Pantherophis guttatus GCF_001185365.1_UNIGE_PanGut_3.0 34,268 1,706,961,544 84,947 80,217,334 40.33
59 corroboree frog (hap1 2023) Pseudophryne corroboree GCA_028390055.1_aPseCor3.hap1 3,527 8,945,609,516 2,431 17,791,795 76.17
60 corroboree frog (hap2 2023 refseq) Pseudophryne corroboree GCF_028390025.1_aPseCor3.hap2 3,127 8,872,758,793 2,699 21,212,457 74.73
61 Cretan wall lizard (alternate hap 2023) Podarcis cretensis GCA_951804955.1_rPodCre2.1_alternate_haplotype 1,936 1,372,769,884 0 0 38.04
62 Cretan wall lizard (primary hap 2023) Podarcis cretensis GCA_951804945.1_rPodCre2.1 51 1,507,627,055 47 9,400 38.66
63 crested gecko (US Hobby MAA-2024a 2024) Correlophus ciliatus GCA_040207535.1_USC_Ccil_1.0 151 1,652,967,480 11 1,100 34.92
64 diamondback terrapin (hap1 2023 refseq) Malaclemys terrapin pileata GCF_027887155.1_rMalTer1.hap1 76 2,211,221,380 141 1,749,567 46.30
65 diamondback terrapin (hap2 rMalTer1 2023) Malaclemys terrapin pileata GCA_027887205.1_rMalTer1.hap2 59 2,212,837,039 127 498,579 46.36
66 eastern brown snake Pseudonaja textilis GCF_900518735.1_EBS10Xv2-PRI 28,550 1,590,035,073 59,472 39,286,110 39.63
67 eastern musk turtle (primary hap 2023) Sternotherus odoratus GCA_032164245.1_rSteOdo2_p1.0 218 1,759,411,633 553 110,600 30.45
68 eastern narrow-mouthed toad (hap2 2023) Gastrophryne carolinensis GCA_027917415.1_aGasCar1.hap2 590 4,305,890,454 1,773 354,600 60.57
69 eastern narrow-mouthed toad (primary haplotype 2023) Gastrophryne carolinensis GCA_027917425.1_aGasCar1.pri 1,002 4,336,248,441 1,745 349,000 60.57
70 elephant shark (2021) Callorhinchus milii GCF_018977255.1_IMCB_Cmil_1.0 1,762 991,535,955 14,404 67,999 37.93
71 epaulette shark (alternate hap sHemOce1 2021) Hemiscyllium ocellatum GCA_020745765.1_sHemOce1.mat.decon 4,000 4,149,461,884 3,552 83,364,248 44.34
72 epaulette shark (primary hap 2021 refseq) Hemiscyllium ocellatum GCF_020745735.1_sHemOce1.pat.X.cur. 1,962 3,983,466,396 3,716 77,564,682 62.70
73 European common frog (2021) Rana temporaria GCF_905171775.1_aRanTem1.1 554 4,111,422,596 1,860 26,194,034 55.46
74 European eel (alternate hap 2020) Anguilla anguilla GCA_013347865.1_fAngAng1.alt 2,338 965,248,483 0 0 27.36
75 European eel (primary hap 2020 refseq) Anguilla anguilla GCF_013347855.1_fAngAng1.pri 54 979,045,926 640 3,868,499 27.45
76 European leaf-toed gecko (hap1 2023) Euleptes europaea GCF_029931775.1_rEulEur1.hap1 591 1,781,916,107 153 4,045,040 39.82
77 European leaf-toed gecko (hap2 2023) Euleptes europaea GCA_029931755.1_rEulEur1.hap2 381 1,775,520,415 177 5,646,691 39.56
78 European pond turtle (hap1 2023 genbank) Emys orbicularis GCA_028017835.1_rEmyOrb1.hap1 106 2,309,740,635 148 3,324,230 35.43
79 European pond turtle (hap1 2023 refseq) Emys orbicularis GCF_028017835.1_rEmyOrb1.hap1 106 2,309,740,635 148 3,324,230 35.43
80 European pond turtle (hap2 rEmyOrb1 2023) Emys orbicularis GCA_028017845.1_rEmyOrb1.hap2 156 2,327,425,914 130 5,287,839 35.51
81 European river lamprey (primary hap 2024) Lampetra fluviatilis GCA_964198595.1_kcLamFluv1.1 1,497 1,042,475,189 1,795 359,000 50.86
82 Far Eastern brook lamprey (LAM-NWPU_2019-01 2020) Lethenteron reissneri GCF_015708825.1_ASM1570882v1 1,946 1,063,028,601 3,287 10,736,065 47.92
83 fence lizard Sceloporus undulatus GCF_019175285.1_SceUnd_v1.1 45,012 1,905,484,175 48,138 47,138,997 34.39
84 Filfola wall lizard (rPodFil1.hap1.1 2024) Podarcis filfolensis GCA_964270895.1_rPodFil1.hap1.1 349 1,506,966,124 872 174,400 37.95
85 Filfola wall lizard (rPodFil1.hap2.1 2024) Podarcis filfolensis GCA_964270875.1_rPodFil1.hap2.1 142 1,404,018,672 795 159,030 36.85
86 fire-bellied toad (alternate hap 2023) Bombina bombina GCA_027579415.1_aBomBom1.alt 13,751 1,936,746,371 0 0 57.30
87 fire-bellied toad (primary hap 2023 refseq) Bombina bombina GCF_027579735.1_aBomBom1.pri 2,467 10,019,663,791 7,009 198,898,177 69.42
88 flatback sea turtle (hap1 2025) Natator depressus GCA_965152275.1_rNatDep2.hap1 41 2,173,446,978 171 30,501 43.63
89 flatback sea turtle (hap2 2025) Natator depressus GCA_965152195.1_rNatDep2.hap2 61 2,130,756,730 261 44,502 43.66
90 Fleay's barred frog (hap1 2024) Mixophyes fleayi GCA_038048845.1_aMixFle1.hap1 2,806 2,969,628,263 1,421 3,802,133 46.39
91 Fleay's barred frog (hap2 2024) Mixophyes fleayi GCA_038048865.1_aMixFle1.hap2 914 2,876,209,288 1,383 3,308,527 44.69
92 Florida worm lizard (hap1 rRhiFlo1 2023) Rhineura floridana GCA_030035715.1_rRhiFlo1.hap1 623 2,321,796,813 213 3,744,152 45.22
93 Florida worm lizard (hap2 2023 genbank) Rhineura floridana GCA_030035675.1_rRhiFlo1.hap2 77 2,307,436,586 242 6,466,284 45.32
94 Florida worm lizard (hap2 2023 refseq) Rhineura floridana GCF_030035675.1_rRhiFlo1.hap2 76 2,307,419,594 242 6,466,284 45.32
95 Gaboon caecilian (alternate hap 2019) Geotrypetes seraphini GCA_902459495.1_aGeoSer1.1_alternate_haplotype 9,650 3,271,590,920 1 30 52.45
96 Gaboon caecilian (v1.2 2021 genbank) Geotrypetes seraphini GCA_902459505.2_aGeoSer1.2 164 3,779,430,017 433 5,502,713 52.86
97 gharial (Ggan-Ray 2016) Gavialis gangeticus GCF_001723915.1_GavGan_comp1 81 2,640,792,433 248,526 698,155,287 27.15
98 gharial (hap1 2023) Gavialis gangeticus GCA_030020385.1_rGavGan2.hap1 298 2,339,480,201 61 1,123,919 33.04
99 gharial (hap2 2023) Gavialis gangeticus GCA_030020295.1_rGavGan2.hap2 160 2,328,538,659 118 1,108,111 32.92
100 giant manta (hap1 2023) Mobula birostris GCA_030028105.1_sMobBir1.hap1 4,715 4,014,635,230 1,810 30,852,630 54.43
101 giant manta (hap2 2023) Mobula birostris GCA_030035685.1_sMobBir1.hap2 1,558 3,634,101,053 1,742 54,983,815 51.68
102 giant South American river turtle (hap1 2024) Podocnemis expansa GCA_045364785.1_rPodExp1_haplotype_1 2,039 2,642,177,504 260 52,000 35.53
103 giant South American river turtle (hap2 2024) Podocnemis expansa GCA_045364815.1_rPodExp1_haplotype_2 725 2,565,358,608 224 44,800 33.86
104 Goodes thornscrub tortoise (Sinaloan 2019) Gopherus evgoodei GCF_007399415.2_rGopEvg1_v1.p 383 2,298,564,209 562 29,560,319 33.37
105 Goodes thornscrub tortoise (Sinaloan alternate hap 2019) Gopherus evgoodei GCA_007399395.1_rGopEvg1_v1.alt 8,736 1,961,129,424 0 0 33.34
106 gopher snake (HBS135680 alternate hap 2023) Pituophis catenifer annectens GCA_029215685.1_rPitCat1.0.hap2 649 1,682,881,129 584 58,400 45.94
107 gopher snake (HBS135680 primary hap 2023) Pituophis catenifer annectens GCA_029215655.1_rPitCat1.0.hap1 426 1,749,255,673 603 60,300 45.41
108 graceful crag lizard (Gifberg primary hap 2022) Hemicordylus capensis GCF_027244095.1_rHemCap1.1.pri 44 2,294,751,221 42 8,400 41.45
109 Grand Cayman blue iguana (hap1 2023) Cyclura pinguis GCA_030412105.1_rCycPin1.hap1 30 1,983,631,412 28 1,082,164 32.57
110 Grand Cayman blue iguana (hap2 2023) Cyclura pinguis GCA_030412085.1_rCycPin1.hap2 33 1,955,392,031 19 19,385,908 32.31
111 gray bichir Polypterus senegalus GCF_016835505.1_ASM1683550v1 9,856 3,673,880,163 3,166 1,583,000 47.67
112 great white shark (alternate hap 2021) Carcharodon carcharias GCA_017639455.1_sCarCar2.alt 39 6,205,005 28 1,535 60.53
113 great white shark (primary hap 2021) Carcharodon carcharias GCF_017639515.1_sCarCar2.pri 719 4,286,311,191 2,645 19,150,268 52.46
114 green anole (JA03-04 2024) Anolis carolinensis GCF_035594765.1_rAnoCar3.1.pri 211 1,850,740,401 841 30,006,477 52.33
115 green anole (v1 2011) Anolis carolinensis GCF_000090745.1_AnoCar2.0 6,457 1,799,143,587 35,533 97,789,820 39.70
116 green anole (v2 2010) Anolis carolinensis GCF_000090745.2_AnoCar2.0 6,456 1,799,126,364 35,530 97,789,817 48.60
117 green sea turtle (v2 alternate hap 2021) Chelonia mydas GCA_015220195.2_rCheMyd1.alt.v2 6,737 1,896,142,417 60 854,042 44.96
118 green sea turtle (v2 primary hap 2021) Chelonia mydas GCF_015237465.2_rCheMyd1.pri.v2 93 2,134,375,114 298 11,960,176 31.96
119 hawksbill sea turtle (B2_1 2023) Eretmochelys imbricata GCA_030012505.1_ASM3001250v1 208 2,296,226,205 95 45,071 43.96
120 hawksbill sea turtle (hap2 2025) Eretmochelys imbricata GCA_965152285.1_rEreImb1.hap2 41 2,224,324,466 132 2,732,219 34.07
121 High Himalaya frog Nanorana parkeri GCF_000935625.1_ASM93562v1 25,188 2,053,867,363 122,325 76,078,142 37.46
122 horn shark (hap1 2024) Heterodontus francisci GCA_036365525.1_sHetFra1.hap1 2,307 6,013,065,386 2,781 28,369,521 71.59
123 horn shark (hap2 2024) Heterodontus francisci GCA_036365495.1_sHetFra1.hap2 1,496 5,196,885,747 2,790 29,620,202 62.99
124 horn shark (sHetFra1hap1 2024) Heterodontus francisci GCF_036365525.1_sHetFra1.hap1 2,306 6,013,048,672 2,781 28,369,521 68.67
125 hourglass treefrog (maternal 2023 genbank) Dendropsophus ebraccatus GCA_027789725.1_aDenEbr1.mat 2,570 2,352,821,159 788 113,357,492 48.50
126 hourglass treefrog (paternal 2023 refseq) Dendropsophus ebraccatus GCF_027789765.1_aDenEbr1.pat 2,200 2,214,937,069 804 6,692,944 51.44
127 Iberian parsley frog (aPelIbe1 2024) Pelodytes ibericus GCA_036172795.1_aPelIbe1.pri 99 2,077,659,799 262 52,400 49.33
128 Iberian ribbed newt (20211129_DDA 2022 genbank) Pleurodeles waltl GCA_026652325.1_ASM2665232v1 267 20,300,798,037 922 333,042 71.01
129 Iberian ribbed newt (hap1 20211129_DDA 2024 refseq) Pleurodeles waltl GCF_031143425.1_aPleWal1.hap1.20221129 616 19,767,450,834 1,829 368,137 71.11
130 Indian cobra (NN01 2019) Naja naja GCA_009733165.1_Nana_v5 1,897 1,768,535,092 11,910 109,672,238 40.42
131 Indian roofed turtle (hap1 2024) Pangshura tecta GCA_045781095.1_rPanTec1.hap1 629 2,165,924,875 205 41,000 32.52
132 Indian roofed turtle (hap2 2024) Pangshura tecta GCA_045781085.1_rPanTec1.hap2 449 2,174,585,695 260 52,000 32.71
133 Indo-Pacific tarpon (alternate hap 2020) Megalops cyprinoides GCA_013368575.1_fMegCyp1.alt 4,333 920,469,332 3 300 21.53
134 Italian wall lizard (rPodSic1.hap1.1 2024) Podarcis siculus GCA_964188175.1_rPodSic1.hap1.1 294 1,571,381,643 762 152,400 40.39
135 Italian wall lizard (rPodSic1.hap2.1 2024) Podarcis siculus GCA_964188395.1_rPodSic1.hap2.1 152 1,455,930,776 690 138,015 38.73
136 Japanese sawshark (hap1 2024 refseq) Pristiophorus japonicus GCF_044704955.1_sPriJap1.hap1 4,318 5,923,069,295 5,985 1,196,474 71.83
137 Japanese sawshark (hap2 2024) Pristiophorus japonicus GCA_044704965.1_sPriJap1.hap2 5,626 6,365,258,383 5,953 1,190,293 73.82
138 Komodo dragon (SLA01 2019) Varanus komodoensis GCF_004798865.1_ASM479886v1 1,411 1,507,945,839 19,737 14,639,079 24.66
139 Lataste's viper (alternate hap 2022) Vipera latastei GCA_024294605.1_rVipLat1.alt 6,799 1,549,880,332 1 500 44.01
140 Lataste's viper (primary hap 2022) Vipera latastei GCA_024294585.1_rVipLat1.pri 56 1,631,568,913 769 3,547,667 44.82
141 leatherback sea turtle (v2 alternate hap 2020) Dermochelys coriacea GCA_009762595.2_rDerCor1.alt.v2 8,999 1,444,786,651 7 352 47.10
142 leatherback sea turtle (v4 primary hap 2021 refseq) Dermochelys coriacea GCF_009764565.3_rDerCor1.pri.v4 40 2,164,762,090 668 5,594,612 34.21
143 leopard gecko (TG4126 2023) Eublepharis macularius GCF_028583425.1_MPM_Emac_v1.0 76 2,237,397,408 62 6,101 37.92
144 lesser devil ray (2024) Mobula hypostoma GCF_963921235.1_sMobHyp1.1 200 3,475,679,493 697 139,400 54.19
145 Lilford's wall lizard (2023) Podarcis lilfordi GCA_947686815.1_rPodLil1.2 2,149 1,460,103,102 2,346 259,303 36.71
146 little skate (New England 2023) Leucoraja erinaceus GCF_028641065.1_Leri_hhj_1 1,769 2,190,861,671 862 81,010 66.54
147 lizards B.pumilum (Western Cape Province JTBG20231 2024) Bradypodion pumilum GCA_035047305.1_BraPum1.0 21 2,486,266,449 18 1,777 56.83
148 lizards smithi (hap1 2024) Dibamus cf. smithi GCA_046126795.1_rDibSmi1.hap1 327 2,282,721,590 274 54,800 44.05
149 lizards smithi (hap2 2024) Dibamus cf. smithi GCA_046126825.1_rDibSmi1.hap2 720 1,821,555,219 197 39,400 42.57
150 lizards F.pardalis (Fpa_1 2023) Furcifer pardalis GCA_030440675.1_ASM3044067v1 11 1,609,777,135 12 11,023 42.07
151 lizards P.bocagei (rPodBoc1.hap1.1 2024) Podarcis bocagei GCA_964188305.1_rPodBoc1.hap1.1 507 1,615,206,822 1,005 201,015 41.41
152 lizards P.bocagei (rPodBoc1.hap2.1 2024) Podarcis bocagei GCA_964188325.1_rPodBoc1.hap2.1 627 1,473,581,329 817 163,400 39.42
153 lizards P.erhardii (rPodErh1.hap1.1 2024) Podarcis erhardii GCA_964252035.1_rPodErh1.hap1.1 326 1,495,994,634 836 167,200 38.58
154 lizards P.erhardii (rPodErh1.hap2.1 2024) Podarcis erhardii GCA_964251985.1_rPodErh1.hap2.1 647 1,477,748,000 811 162,200 37.96
155 lizards P.melisellensis (rPodMel1.hap1.1 2024) Podarcis melisellensis GCA_964234715.1_rPodMel1.hap1.1 386 1,574,923,724 823 164,600 40.21
156 lizards P.melisellensis (rPodMel1.hap2.1 2024) Podarcis melisellensis GCA_964234825.1_rPodMel1.hap2.1 200 1,437,044,901 754 150,800 37.90
157 lizards P.pityusensis (rPodPit1.hap1.2 2024) Podarcis pityusensis GCA_964106645.2_rPodPit1.hap1.2 336 1,515,373,509 1,506 301,200 38.22
158 lizards P.pityusensis (rPodPit1.hap2.2 2024) Podarcis pityusensis GCA_964106635.2_rPodPit1.hap2.2 183 1,417,079,496 1,365 273,000 37.15
159 lizards B.pumilum (Western Cape Province hap1 2025) Bradypodion pumilum GCA_047715975.1_rBraPum1.hap1 73 2,467,904,324 109 21,800 56.48
160 lizards B.pumilum (Western Cape Province hap2 2025) Bradypodion pumilum GCA_047715955.1_rBraPum1.hap2 82 2,479,053,460 120 24,000 56.66
161 lizards P.vaucheri (hap1.1 2025) Podarcis vaucheri GCA_965113315.1_rPodVau1.hap1.1 285 1,614,928,384 949 189,800 41.38
162 lizards P.vaucheri (hap2.1 2025) Podarcis vaucheri GCA_965113305.1_rPodVau1.hap2.1 151 1,510,738,089 852 170,400 40.40
163 lizards T.scincoides (rTilSci1hap2 2024) Tiliqua scincoides GCF_035046505.1_rTilSci1.hap2 350 1,623,332,312 372 74,400 37.07
164 loggerhead turtle (SJ_126:Eziel1 2022) Caretta caretta GCF_023653815.1_GSC_CCare_1.0 2,008 2,134,012,717 745 2,128,794 33.92
165 loggerhead turtle (hap1 2025) Caretta caretta GCA_965140235.1_rCarCar1.hap1 36 2,217,236,305 61 583,717 34.66
166 loggerhead turtle (hap2 2025) Caretta caretta GCA_965140275.1_rCarCar1.hap2 33 2,206,382,585 52 686,059 34.41
167 mainland tiger snake Notechis scutatus GCF_900518725.1_TS10Xv2-PRI 52,414 1,665,525,958 79,478 80,606,990 40.26
168 many-banded krait (BM01 2022) Bungarus multicinctus GCA_023653725.1_ASM2365372v1 448 1,593,755,901 1,631 11,947,689 40.99
169 marbled whiptail (SIMRID8450 2020) Aspidoscelis marmoratus GCA_014337955.1_AspMar1.0 3,826 1,639,530,780 166,840 92,948,330 33.03
170 meadow viper (alternate hap 2022) Vipera ursinii GCA_947247025.1_rVipUrs1.1_alternate_haplotype 9,575 1,180,062,022 12 2,400 41.76
171 meadow viper (primary hap 2022) Vipera ursinii GCA_947247035.1_rVipUrs1.1 384 1,625,023,540 1,819 363,800 45.37
172 Mexican burrowing toad (hap1 2024) Rhinophrynus dorsalis GCA_037306005.1_aRhiDor1.hap1 464 4,745,569,335 2,032 406,419 53.56
173 Mexican burrowing toad (hap2 2024) Rhinophrynus dorsalis GCA_037306015.1_aRhiDor1.hap2 656 4,535,323,468 2,009 401,800 53.02
174 Mexican gopher tortoise (WGS:JAMKFC01 2022) Gopherus flavomarginatus GCF_025201925.1_rGopFla2.mat.asm 621 2,460,542,086 1,866 89,638,462 34.69
175 Mexican gopher tortoise (WGS:JAMKFD01 2022) Gopherus flavomarginatus GCA_025201965.1_rGopFla2.pat.asm 2,992 2,584,697,711 1,790 116,054,540 34.08
176 mimic poison frog (primary hap 2023 genbank) Ranitomeya imitator GCA_032444005.1_aRanImi1.pri 1,673 5,956,630,009 765 80,159 77.60
177 mimic poison frog (primary hap 2023 refseq) Ranitomeya imitator GCF_032444005.1_aRanImi1.pri 1,672 5,956,610,564 765 80,159 76.48
178 Mississippi paddlefish Polyodon spathula GCF_017654505.1_ASM1765450v1 4,235 1,542,083,420 2,963 1,696,468 36.87
179 Murray river turtle (Brisbane River MOO-44397 2024) Emydura macquarii macquarii GCF_026122565.2_CSIRO-AGI_Emac_v2 3,735 1,924,425,589 0 0 25.44
180 Northern rubber boa (HBS 135849 alternate hap 2022) Charina bottae GCA_023362785.1_rChaBot1.0.a 224 1,703,974,979 84 8,400 42.47
181 Northern rubber boa (HBS 135849 primary hap 2022) Charina bottae GCA_023362775.1_rChaBot1.0.p 289 1,804,939,834 85 8,500 42.87
182 Northwestern pond turtle (WTP2003 alternate hap 2022) Actinemys marmorata GCA_022086895.1_rActMar1.a 2,508 2,209,870,670 1,800 180,000 48.91
183 Northwestern pond turtle (WTP2003 primary hap 2022) Actinemys marmorata GCA_022086475.1_rActMar1.p 48 2,301,118,547 148 14,823 48.89
184 olive python (hap1 2023) Liasis olivaceus GCA_030867105.1_rLiaOli1.hap1 43 1,486,119,866 73 297,716 30.16
185 olive python (hap2 2023) Liasis olivaceus GCA_030867085.1_rLiaOli1.hap2 65 1,478,263,624 93 5,065,312 29.98
186 one-colored caecilian (2021) Microcaecilia unicolor GCA_901765095.2_aMicUni1.2 1,081 4,685,939,421 2,452 47,437,278 52.44
187 Pacific lamprey (Columbia River large-bodied, stream-maturing ecotype CRITFC18_GStd-0006 2020) Entosphenus tridentatus GCA_014621495.2_ETRf_v1 141,124 927,744,424 63,604 129,406,369 45.62
188 Pacific ridley (hap1 2025) Lepidochelys olivacea GCA_965140295.1_rLepOli2.hap1 44 2,206,585,630 69 387,990 34.74
189 Pacific ridley (hap2 2025) Lepidochelys olivacea GCA_965140255.1_rLepOli2.hap2 40 2,208,046,144 76 899,288 34.74
190 painted frog (alternate hap 2022) Discoglossus pictus GCA_027410455.1_aDisPic1.alt 4,005 1,937,156,624 76 1,862 53.01
191 painted frog (primary hap 2022) Discoglossus pictus GCA_027410445.1_aDisPic1.pri 1,318 3,872,602,052 3,681 62,395,995 55.23
192 palmate newt (primary hap 2024) Lissotriton helveticus GCA_964261635.1_aLisHel1.1 448 23,170,028,842 5,245 1,049,000 63.58
193 Papuan ground boa (hap1 2024) Candoia aspera GCA_035125265.1_rCanAsp1.hap1 180 1,529,331,567 99 19,800 33.58
194 Papuan ground boa (hap2 2024 genbank) Candoia aspera GCA_035149785.1_rCanAsp1.hap2 150 1,530,827,941 101 20,200 33.56
195 Papuan ground boa (hap2 2024 refseq) Candoia aspera GCF_035149785.1_rCanAsp1.hap2 149 1,530,810,380 101 20,200 33.56
196 Peter's clawed frog (aXenPet1 2024) Xenopus petersii GCA_038501915.1_aXenPet1.maternal.cur 1,183 2,613,116,200 1,072 214,400 44.51
197 Peter's clawed frog (aXenPet1 2024) Xenopus petersii GCA_038501925.1_aXenPet1.paternal.cur 888 2,883,796,191 500 100,000 45.47
198 pitted-shelled turtle (YL-2023 2023) Carettochelys insculpta GCA_033958435.1_ASM3395843v1 134 2,180,317,067 12 2,400 47.95
199 plains spadefoot toad (alternate hap 2022) Spea bombifrons GCA_027382365.2_aSpeBom1.2.alt 1,516 785,569,511 0 0 34.39
200 plains spadefoot toad (primary hap 2022) Spea bombifrons GCF_027358695.1_aSpeBom1.2.pri 17 987,655,159 102 3,822,643 36.29
201 pool frog (hap1 2025) Pelophylax lessonae GCA_965119305.1_aPelLes1.hap1.1 1,328 5,811,246,175 3,044 608,800 60.24
202 pool frog (hap2 2025) Pelophylax lessonae GCA_965119315.1_aPelLes1.hap2.1 977 5,762,139,629 2,703 540,600 60.12
203 prickly gecko (False Entrance Well CCM8104 2023) Heteronotia binoei GCF_032191835.1_APGP_CSIRO_Hbin_v1 661 2,633,472,656 1,608 160,800 46.85
204 Puerto Rican coqui (aEleCoq1hap1 2024) Eleutherodactylus coqui GCF_035609145.1_aEleCoq1.hap1 956 3,371,297,528 659 131,800 54.01
205 Puerto Rican coqui (hap1 2024) Eleutherodactylus coqui GCA_035609145.1_aEleCoq1.hap1 957 3,371,316,047 659 131,800 54.01
206 Puerto Rican coqui (hap2 2024) Eleutherodactylus coqui GCA_035609135.1_aEleCoq1.hap2 827 3,362,534,901 685 137,000 53.92
207 red-eared slider turtle Trachemys scripta elegans GCF_013100865.1_CAS_Tse_1.0 138 2,126,199,303 25,390 82,148,119 30.75
208 reedfish (v3 alternate hap 2021) Erpetoichthys calabaricus GCA_900700845.3_fErpCal1.3_alternate_haplotype 17,082 3,014,944,822 17 314,459 46.95
209 Reeves's turtle Mauremys reevesii GCF_016161935.1_ASM1616193v1 230 2,367,607,229 398 39,800 34.64
210 Riggenbach's reed frog (aHypRig1 alternate hap 2024) Hyperolius riggenbachi GCA_040937895.1_aHypRig1.alt 14,077 9,708,340,052 19 3,635 71.57
211 Riggenbach's reed frog (aHypRig1 primary hap 2024) Hyperolius riggenbachi GCF_040937935.1_aHypRig1.pri 477 4,915,935,452 3,039 606,696 60.27
212 Ringneck snake (HBS135679 primary hap 2022) Diadophis punctatus similis GCA_023053685.1_rDiaPun1.0.p 444 1,783,023,707 723 72,300 48.68
213 royal ground snake (hap1 2023 refseq) Erythrolamprus reginae GCF_031021105.1_rEryReg1.hap1 400 1,964,049,041 1,391 278,200 59.53
214 royal ground snake (hap2 2023) Erythrolamprus reginae GCA_031021085.1_rEryReg1.hap2 1,128 2,038,227,610 0 0 53.01
215 royal ground snake (hap3 2023) Erythrolamprus reginae GCA_031001685.1_rEryReg1.hap3 3,543 2,090,234,102 0 0 57.37
216 rufous frog (hap1 2023) Leptodactylus fuscus GCA_031893025.1_aLepFus1.hap1 2,266 2,307,711,212 973 11,371,605 55.98
217 rufous frog (hap2 2023) Leptodactylus fuscus GCA_031893055.1_aLepFus1.hap2 1,266 2,197,996,823 976 20,381,759 59.61
218 San Diegan legless lizard (HBS135921 alternate hap 2023) Anniella stebbinsi GCA_029215795.1_rAnnSte1.0.hap2 91 1,891,076,299 31 3,100 39.31
219 San Diegan legless lizard (HBS135921 primary hap 2023) Anniella stebbinsi GCA_029215775.1_rAnnSte1.0.hap1 134 1,890,507,581 21 2,100 39.04
220 San Diegan tiger whiptail (alternate hap HBS 135688 2022) Aspidoscelis tigris stejnegeri GCA_023333555.1_rAspTig1.0.a 227 1,675,887,475 44 4,400 39.22
221 San Diegan tiger whiptail (HBS 135688 2022) Aspidoscelis tigris stejnegeri GCA_023333525.1_rAspTig1.0.p 74 1,335,668,279 39 3,900 36.99
222 San Diego alligator lizard (HBS135686 alternate hap 2022) Elgaria multicarinata webbii GCA_023053675.1_rElgMul1.0.a 627 1,810,359,265 27 2,700 40.46
223 San Diego alligator lizard (v1.0 HBS135686 primary hap 2022) Elgaria multicarinata webbii GCA_023053635.1_rElgMul1.0.p 85 1,790,509,355 23 2,300 40.44
224 San Diego alligator lizard (v1.1 HBS135686 primary hap 2024 genbank) Elgaria multicarinata webbii GCA_023053635.2_rElgMul1.1.pri 35 1,790,519,499 73 12,700 40.44
225 San Diego alligator lizard (v1.1 HBS135686 primary hap 2024 refseq) Elgaria multicarinata webbii GCF_023053635.1_rElgMul1.1.pri 34 1,790,500,004 73 12,700 40.44
226 San Diego ringneck snake (HBS135679 alternate hap 2022) Diadophis punctatus similis GCA_023053665.1_rDiaPun1.0.a 2,064 1,577,714,162 572 57,200 50.64
227 sand lizard (alternate hap 2019) Lacerta agilis GCA_009819545.1_rLacAgi1.alt 12,660 1,429,379,209 2 120 34.27
228 sand lizard (primary hap 2019) Lacerta agilis GCF_009819535.1_rLacAgi1.pri 29 1,391,404,169 379 3,491,078 34.50
229 Sardinian treefrog (hap1 2023 refseq) Hyla sarda GCF_029499605.1_aHylSar1.hap1 3,474 4,142,159,359 2,297 459,227 64.33
230 Sardinian treefrog (hap2 2023) Hyla sarda GCA_029493135.1_aHylSar1.hap2 2,802 4,080,080,015 2,097 419,128 63.87
231 Schlegel's Japanese gecko Gekko japonicus GCF_001447785.1_Gekko_japonicus_V1.1 191,500 2,490,274,461 143,970 88,227,448 39.16
232 sea lamprey (alternate hap 2020) Petromyzon marinus GCA_010993595.1_kPetMar1.alt 4,064 841,632,067 11 24,549 49.81
233 sea lamprey (primary hap 2020) Petromyzon marinus GCF_010993605.1_kPetMar1.pri 1,434 1,089,050,413 930 15,013,687 50.62
234 sharpnose sevengill shark (hap1 2024 genbank) Heptranchias perlo GCF_035084215.1_sHepPer1.hap1 1,879 3,249,915,908 1,834 366,800 57.50
235 sharpnose sevengill shark (hap1 2024 refseq) Heptranchias perlo GCA_035084215.1_sHepPer1.hap1 1,880 3,249,935,392 1,834 366,800 57.50
236 sharpnose sevengill shark (hap2 2024) Heptranchias perlo GCA_035084135.1_sHepPer1.hap2 1,194 3,059,754,027 1,695 339,000 55.71
237 Shaw's sea snake (ss_UAE728 2024) Hydrophis curtus GCA_037043045.1_ASM3704304v1 809 1,925,084,451 641 1,254,247 51.54
238 Skyros wall lizard (rPodGai1.hap2.1 2024) Podarcis gaigeae GCA_964106785.1_rPodGai1.hap2.1 127 1,422,314,362 783 156,600 37.52
239 Skyros wall lizard (v1 hap1 2024) Podarcis gaigeae GCA_964106915.1_rPodGai1.hap1.1 211 1,514,643,635 883 176,600 38.22
240 Skyros wall lizard (v2 hap1 2024) Podarcis gaigeae GCA_964106915.2_rPodGai1.hap1.2 211 1,514,643,635 883 176,600 38.22
241 smaller spotted catshark (alternate hap 2021) Scyliorhinus canicula GCA_902713625.2_sScyCan1.2_alternate_haplotype 26,649 3,867,000,599 6 319 51.57
242 smaller spotted catshark (v1.2 primary hap 2021 genbank) Scyliorhinus canicula GCA_902713615.2_sScyCan1.2 645 4,220,389,930 7,146 64,220,747 51.42
243 smalltooth sawfish (alternate hap 2019) Pristis pectinata GCA_009764485.1_sPriPec2.alt 10,892 1,694,166,684 0 0 38.34
244 smalltooth sawfish (v2.1 primary hap 2019 refseq) Pristis pectinata GCF_009764475.1_sPriPec2.1.pri 172 2,267,840,987 698 20,562,876 54.48
245 snake N.helvetica (rNatHel1.hap1.1 2024) Natrix helvetica GCA_964273705.1_rNatHel1.hap1.1 487 1,777,516,490 2,010 402,000 46.17
246 snake N.helvetica (rNatHel1.hap2.1 2024) Natrix helvetica GCA_964273795.1_rNatHel1.hap2.1 502 1,513,526,581 1,674 334,800 43.90
247 Southern dwarf chameleon (Gauteng JTBG20232 2024) Bradypodion ventrale GCA_035047345.1_BraVen1.1 113 2,373,187,502 22 2,189 54.44
248 Southern Pacific rattlesnake (HBS135844 alternate hap 2022) Crotalus helleri GCA_024509165.1_rCroOre1.a 340 1,628,461,744 34 782 44.44
249 Southern Pacific rattlesnake (HBS135844 primary hap 2022) Crotalus helleri GCA_024509115.1_rCroOre1.0.p 696 1,564,714,769 443 221,500 44.94
250 Southwestern pond turtle (HBS135687 alternate hap 2022) Actinemys pallida GCA_023634275.1_rActPal1.0.a 260 2,348,990,949 64 6,400 36.29
251 Southwestern pond turtle (HBS135687 primary hap 2022) Actinemys pallida GCA_023634205.1_rActPal1.0.p 53 2,326,928,347 53 5,300 36.13
252 spotted gar Lepisosteus oculatus GCF_000242695.1_LepOcu1 1,925 945,874,548 43,276 76,460,189 22.84
253 spotted gar (fLepOcu1hap1 2024) Lepisosteus oculatus GCA_040954845.1_fLepOcu1.hap1 831 1,110,649,520 76 15,200 34.48
254 spotted gar (fLepOcu1hap2 2024) Lepisosteus oculatus GCF_040954835.1_fLepOcu1.hap2 816 1,200,589,847 95 19,000 38.23
255 spotted ratfish (hap1 2024) Hydrolagus colliei GCA_035084065.1_sHydCol1.hap1 1,042 1,097,847,766 2,088 417,600 44.94
256 spotted ratfish (hap2 2024) Hydrolagus colliei GCA_035084275.1_sHydCol1.hap2 532 1,003,172,678 1,952 390,400 44.82
257 starry smooth-hound (sMusAst1.hap1.1 2024) Mustelus asterias GCA_964213995.1_sMusAst1.hap1.1 5,314 3,679,792,345 3,590 718,000 54.95
258 starry smooth-hound (sMusAst1.hap2.1 2024) Mustelus asterias GCA_964214025.1_sMusAst1.hap2.1 4,403 3,476,679,425 3,505 701,000 53.51
259 sterlet (v2 Gen_M01 2020) Acipenser ruthenus GCF_010645085.2_ASM1064508v2 3,368 1,825,187,678 6,251 1,247,812 43.29
260 Suwannee snapping turtle (hap1 2023) Macrochelys suwanniensis GCA_033296515.1_rMacSuw1.hap1 366 2,132,261,265 290 58,000 33.43
261 Suwannee snapping turtle (hap2 2023) Macrochelys suwanniensis GCA_033349115.1_rMacSuw1.hap2 199 1,937,254,095 361 72,200 32.82
262 tailed frog (A.truei hap1 2024) Ascaphus truei GCA_040206685.1_aAscTru1.hap1 3,549 3,722,616,900 6,020 1,204,076 55.73
263 tailed frog (A.truei hap2 2024) Ascaphus truei GCA_040206675.1_aAscTru1.hap2 2,779 3,660,446,095 6,023 1,204,703 55.25
264 thorny skate (alternate hap CabotCenter1 2020) Amblyraja radiata GCA_010909745.1_sAmbRad1.alt 21,992 1,462,441,988 3 94 57.78
265 thorny skate (v1.1 primary hap CabotCenter1 2020) Amblyraja radiata GCF_010909765.2_sAmbRad1.1.pri 957 2,558,784,953 3,753 190,972,533 52.28
266 three-toed box turtle Terrapene triunguis GCF_002925995.2_T_m_triunguis-2.0 48,497 2,562,212,628 53,635 131,526,270 31.74
267 tiger rattlesnake Crotalus tigris GCF_016545835.1_ASM1654583v1 4,228 1,612,002,213 0 0 42.93
268 tiny Cayenne caecilian Microcaecilia unicolor GCF_901765095.1_aMicUni1.1 1,081 4,685,939,420 2,452 47,437,278 52.44
269 tiny Cayenne caecilian (alternate hap 2019) Microcaecilia unicolor GCA_901765105.1_aMicUni1.1_alternate_haplotype 23,870 3,698,322,623 1 31 52.19
270 Townsend's dwarf sphaero (gecko TG3544 2022) Sphaerodactylus townsendi GCF_021028975.2_MPM_Stown_v2.3 1,742 1,810,846,735 2,590 229,288 38.60
271 tropical clawed frog Xenopus tropicalis GCF_000004195.4_UCB_Xtro_10.0 167 1,451,301,209 684 2,839,231 41.76
272 Tungara frog (aEngPut4 2024) Engystomops pustulosus GCA_040894005.1_aEngPut4.maternal 936 2,158,203,323 436 87,200 52.56
273 Tungara frog (aEngPut4 2024) Engystomops pustulosus GCA_040894015.1_aEngPut4.paternal 819 2,081,032,022 507 101,225 52.62
274 two-lined caecilian (alternate hap 2019) Rhinatrema bivittatum GCA_901001175.1_aRhiBiv1.1_alternate_haplotype 27,231 4,615,304,139 2 63 43.78
275 two-lined caecilian (v1.2 2021 genbank) Rhinatrema bivittatum GCA_901001135.2_aRhiBiv1.2 1,330 5,319,239,186 3,573 33,955,840 66.85
276 Tyrrhenian wall lizard (hap1 2025) Podarcis tiliguerta GCA_965153285.1_rPodTil1.hap1.1 258 1,462,327,121 1,024 204,800 37.08
277 Tyrrhenian wall lizard (hap2 2025) Podarcis tiliguerta GCA_965153305.1_rPodTil1.hap2.1 306 1,382,196,565 983 196,600 36.68
278 valley gartersnake (HBS 135685 alternate hap 2023) Thamnophis sirtalis fitchi GCA_029207655.1_rThaSir1.0.hap2 226 1,683,046,358 403 40,300 45.12
279 valley gartersnake (HBS 135685 primary hap 2023) Thamnophis sirtalis fitchi GCA_029207665.1_rThaSir1.0.hap1 413 1,621,019,271 446 44,600 46.30
280 viviparous/common lizard Zootoca vivipara GCF_011800845.1_UG_Zviv_1 25,252 1,464,300,591 51,275 43,421,287 34.22
281 warty newt (primary hap 2024) Triturus cristatus GCA_964204655.1_aTriCri1.1 1,304 22,324,633,092 4,698 939,600 50.89
282 West African lungfish (Aquariam Glaser DD20220218a primary hap 2024) Protopterus annectens GCA_040939525.1_ASM4093952v1 7,125 40,524,173,670 24,438 5,865,120 72.73
283 West African lungfish (FY-2018-M 2021) Protopterus annectens GCF_019279795.1_PAN1.0 12,668 40,054,341,269 0 993,106,966 70.73
284 western fence lizard (IW3139 2022) Sceloporus occidentalis GCA_023333635.1_rSceOcc1.0.a 1,771 3,186,658,811 51 5,100 40.63
285 western fence lizard (IW3139 primary hap 2022) Sceloporus occidentalis GCA_023333645.1_rSceOcc1.0.p 608 2,856,356,971 51 5,100 37.86
286 western painted turtle (R12L10 2023) Chrysemys picta bellii GCF_011386835.1_ASM1138683v2 9,850 2,372,089,908 1,270 541,410 47.39
287 western painted turtle (v5 RCT428 2020) Chrysemys picta bellii GCF_000241765.5_Chrysemys_picta_BioNano-3.0.4 74,775 2,480,260,873 184,311 309,640,510 39.11
288 western red-tailed skink (HBS 135693 alternate hap 2022) Plestiodon gilberti rubricaudatus GCA_026170595.1_rPleGil1.0.hap2 39 1,571,222,493 15 1,500 36.98
289 western red-tailed skink (HBS 135693 primary hap 2022) Plestiodon gilberti rubricaudatus GCA_026170395.1_rPleGil1.0.hap1 50 1,447,229,999 12 1,200 37.05
290 western spadefoot toad (hap1 HBS 135690 2023) Spea hammondii GCA_029215705.1_aSpeHam1.0.hap1 479 1,142,014,214 198 19,800 41.85
291 western spadefoot toad (hap2 HBS 135690 2023) Spea hammondii GCA_029215755.1_aSpeHam1.0.hap2 351 1,155,539,324 190 19,000 42.27
292 western terrestrial garter snake (alternate hap 2019) Thamnophis elegans GCA_009769695.1_rThaEle1.alt 13,623 1,814,330,211 19 1,330,160 43.98
293 western terrestrial garter snake (primary hap 2019) Thamnophis elegans GCF_009769535.1_rThaEle1.pri 365 1,672,190,305 1,518 38,185,703 42.64
294 whale shark (14 2022 Squalomix) Rhincodon typus GCF_021869965.1_sRhiTyp1.1 16,684 2,880,448,384 95,208 241,885,584 34.15
295 whale shark (Ralph 2017 Emory U) Rhincodon typus GCF_001642345.1_ASM164234v2 57,334 2,931,599,576 900,650 917,010 38.86
296 whitespotted bambooshark Chiloscyllium plagiosum GCF_004010195.1_ASM401019v2 101,977 3,556,477,427 156,554 204,109,657 38.22
297 yellow-bellied toad (maternal hap 2024) Bombina variegata GCA_964205295.1_aBomVar4.maternal.1 4,757 9,369,791,316 6,671 1,334,200 70.88
298 yellow-bellied toad (paternal hap 2024) Bombina variegata GCA_964205305.1_aBomVar4.paternal.1 3,497 9,112,230,460 6,811 1,362,200 71.02
299 yellowpond turtle (Southern MM-2020 2021) Mauremys mutica GCF_020497125.1_ASM2049712v1 595 2,484,367,879 1,041 93,474,084 33.86
300 zebra shark (6-17 2022 Squalomix) Stegostoma tigrinum GCF_022316705.1_sSteFas1.1 1,266 2,771,866,316 87,372 171,787,940 32.94
301 zebra shark (hap1 2023 refseq) Stegostoma tigrinum GCF_030684315.1_sSteTig4.hap1 835 3,198,515,386 1,159 17,106,481 64.64
302 zebra shark (hap2 2023) Stegostoma tigrinum GCA_030684295.1_sSteTig4.hap2 933 3,603,936,669 1,203 12,512,178 59.53
TOTALS:total assembly count 302 2,296,260 978,660,126,153 5,362,089 7,864,261,973  

Additional hubs with collections of assemblies
Collection Hub index pages: Assembly statistics: Track statistics:
Primates 221 assemblies assembly stats track stats
Mammals 654 assemblies assembly stats track stats
Birds 423 assemblies assembly stats track stats
Fishes 450 assemblies assembly stats track stats
other vertebrates 302 assemblies assembly stats track stats
Invertebrates 1132 assemblies assembly stats track stats
Plants 310 assemblies assembly stats track stats
Fungi 920 assemblies assembly stats track stats
Viruses 291 assemblies assembly stats track stats
Bacteria 113 assemblies assembly stats track stats
legacy/superseded 543 assemblies assembly stats track stats
collections below are subsets of the assemblies above
VGP - Vertebrate Genome Project 1175 assemblies assembly stats track stats
CCGP - The California Conservation Genomics Project 126 assemblies assembly stats track stats
HPRC - Human Pangenome Reference Consortium 96 assemblies assembly stats track stats
BRC - BRC Analytics - Bioinformatics Research Center 778 assemblies assembly stats track stats