Mammals Genomes assembly hubs

Assemblies from NCBI/Genbank/Refseq sources, subset of mammals only.

How to view the assembly of interest

The links to the genome browser in the table below will attach that one specific assembly to the genome browser. Use the links in the column labeled common name and view in browser to view that assembly in the genome browser.

See also: assembly statisticstrack statistics <== additional information for these assemblies.

Cite reference: To reference these resources in publications, please credit:

Clawson, H., Lee, B.T., Raney, B.J. et al. "GenArk: towards a million UCSC genome browsers.
Genome Biol 24, 217 (2023).

Data resource links

NOTE: Click on the column headers to sort the table by that column

The common name and view in browser will attach only that single assembly to the genome browser.
The scientific name and data download link provides access to the files for that one assembly hub.
The other links provide access to NCBI resources for these assemblies.
count common name and
view in UCSC browser
[IGV browser]
scientific name
and data download
NCBI assembly BioSample BioProject assembly date,
source link
1 aardvark (SDZICR_OR568_19922 2012 Broad)[IGV] Orycteropus afer afer GCF_000298275.1_OryAfe1.0 SAMN00744890 PRJNA74587 2012-09-20
2 African grass rat (maternal 2020)[IGV] Arvicanthis niloticus GCA_011750645.1_mArvNil1.mat SAMN12611849 PRJNA561936 2020-03-25
3 African grass rat (paternal 2020)[IGV] Arvicanthis niloticus GCA_011762545.1_mArvNil1.pat SAMN12611849 PRJNA561935 2020-03-25
4 African grass rat (paternal X 2020)[IGV] Arvicanthis niloticus GCF_011762505.1_mArvNil1.pat.X SAMN12611849 PRJNA608735 2020-03-27
5 African hunting dog[IGV] Lycaon pictus GCA_001887905.1_LycPicSAfr1.0 SAMN04312208 PRJNA304992 2016-12-01
6 African savanna elephant (2009 refseq)[IGV] Loxodonta africana GCF_000001905.1_Loxafr3.0 SAMN02953622 PRJNA12569 2009-07-15
7 African savanna elephant (hap1 mLoxAfr1 2023)[IGV] Loxodonta africana GCA_030020305.1_mLoxAfr1.hap1 SAMN32756554 PRJNA924321 2023-05-15
8 African savanna elephant (hap2 2023)[IGV] Loxodonta africana GCF_030014295.1_mLoxAfr1.hap2 SAMN32756554 PRJNA924322 2023-05-16
9 African savanna elephant (hap2 mLoxAfr1 2023)[IGV] Loxodonta africana GCA_030014295.1_mLoxAfr1.hap2 SAMN32756554 PRJNA924322 2023-05-16
10 agile gracile mouse opossum[IGV] Gracilinanus agilis GCF_016433145.1_AgileGrace SAMN16807781 PRJNA565840 2021-01-06
11 alpaca (v3.2 Carlotta AHFN-0088 2019 Deakin U)[IGV] Vicugna pacos GCF_000164845.4_VicPac3.2 SAMN01096418 PRJNA544883 2019-07-15
12 Alpine marmot (2019)[IGV] Marmota marmota marmota GCF_001458135.2_marMar SAMEA3214822 PRJEB8272 2019-12-18
13 Alvarez's mastiff bat (A012 2023)[IGV] Molossus alvarezi GCA_031001765.1_BBF_mMolAlv_v1 SAMN31836526 PRJNA944206 2023-08-30
14 Alvarez's mastiff bat (hap1 2024)[IGV] Molossus alvarezi GCA_037157525.1_mMolAlv2.hap1 SAMN40002245 PRJNA1080661 2024-03-15
15 Alvarez's mastiff bat (hap2 2024)[IGV] Molossus alvarezi GCA_037176705.1_mMolAlv2.hap2 SAMN40002245 PRJNA1080660 2024-03-15
16 American beaver (Ward 2017 refseq)[IGV] Castor canadensis GCF_001984765.1_C.can_genome_v1.0 SAMN06187566 PRJNA359140 2017-02-04
17 American bison (2014 refseq)[IGV] Bison bison bison GCF_000754665.1_Bison_UMD1.0 SAMN02947321 PRJNA257088 2014-10-08
18 American black bear (L20-20 alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Ursus americanus GCA_024610745.1_mUrsAme1.0.a SAMN29046565 PRJNA851482 2022-08-10
19 American black bear (L20-20 primary hap 2022)[IGV] Ursus americanus GCA_024610735.1_mUrsAme1.0.p SAMN29046565 PRJNA851483 2022-08-10
20 American black bear (UA15103 2021)[IGV] Ursus americanus GCF_020975775.1_gsc_jax_bbear_1.0 SAMN22511336 PRJNA319796 2021-11-24
21 American mink (2018)[IGV] Neogale vison GCA_900108605.1_NNQGG.v01 SAMEA4493372 PRJEB15663 2018-01-02
22 American mink (hap1 2024)[IGV] Neogale vison GCA_964106545.1_mNeoVis2.hap1.1 SAMEA112468126 PRJEB76007 2024-06-06
23 American mink (hap2 2024)[IGV] Neogale vison GCA_964106205.1_mNeoVis2.hap2.1 SAMEA112468126 PRJEB76008 2024-06-06
24 American mink (M4711 2021 Dalhousie U)[IGV] Neogale vison GCF_020171115.1_ASM_NN_V1 SAMN19764019 PRJNA741394 2021-09-29
25 American pika (hap1 2023)[IGV] Ochotona princeps GCF_030435755.1_mOchPri1.hap1 SAMN35822658 PRJNA986273 2023-07-13
26 American pika (hap2 2023)[IGV] Ochotona princeps GCA_030435715.1_mOchPri1.hap2 SAMN35822658 PRJNA986274 2023-07-13
27 American pika 3.0 (2012 Broad refseq)[IGV] Ochotona princeps GCF_000292845.1_OchPri3.0 SAMN00767999 PRJNA74593 2012-08-27
28 American pika 4.0 (UAM:Mamm:113957 2020)[IGV] Ochotona princeps GCF_014633375.1_OchPri4.0 SAMN15664588 PRJNA649356 2020-09-21
29 Amur tiger (TaeGuk 2013 refseq)[IGV] Panthera tigris altaica GCF_000464555.1_PanTig1.0 SAMN02086964 PRJNA182708 2013-09-06
30 Antarctic minke whale[IGV] Balaenoptera bonaerensis GCA_000978805.1_ASM97880v1 SAMD00016608 PRJDB1465 2015-03-18
31 Antillean ghost-faced bat[IGV] Mormoops blainvillei GCA_004026545.1_MorMeg_v1_BIUU SAMN07678133 PRJNA399472 2019-01-16
32 aoudad[IGV] Ammotragus lervia GCA_002201775.1_ALER1.0 SAMN06233879 PRJNA438286 2017-06-20
33 Arabian camel (Drom800 2019 refseq)[IGV] Camelus dromedarius GCF_000803125.2_CamDro3 SAMN03252735 PRJNA269274 2019-10-07
34 Arabian camel (hap2 2024)[IGV] Camelus dromedarius GCA_036321565.1_mCamDro1.hap2 SAMN39296380 PRJNA1064427 2024-01-31
35 Arabian camel (mCamDro1 2024)[IGV] Camelus dromedarius GCF_036321535.1_mCamDro1.pat SAMN39296380 PRJNA1064426 2024-01-31
36 Arabian camel (paternal 2024)[IGV] Camelus dromedarius GCA_036321535.1_mCamDro1.pat SAMN39296380 PRJNA1064426 2024-01-31
37 Arctic fox (Blue_001 2021 refseq)[IGV] Vulpes lagopus GCF_018345385.1_ASM1834538v1 SAMN16815335 PRJNA678849 2021-05-12
38 Arctic ground squirrel[IGV] Urocitellus parryii GCF_003426925.1_ASM342692v1 SAMN09469529 PRJNA477386 2018-08-24
39 Asian palm civet[IGV] Paradoxurus hermaphroditus GCA_004024585.1_ParHer_v1_BIUU SAMN07678048 PRJNA399364 2019-01-15
40 Asiatic elephant (mEleMax1 alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Elephas maximus indicus GCA_024166345.1_mEleMax1_alternate_haplotype SAMN29174328 PRJNA850270 2022-07-05
41 Asiatic elephant (mEleMax1 primary hap 2022)[IGV] Elephas maximus indicus GCF_024166365.1_mEleMax1_primary_haplotype SAMN29174328 PRJNA850184 2022-07-06
42 Asiatic mouflon (Amuf_v1 2020)[IGV] Ovis orientalis GCA_014523465.1_CAU_Oori_1.0 SAMN15835291 PRJNA529571 2020-09-11
43 Asiatic tapir (hap1 2023)[IGV] Tapirus indicus GCA_031878655.1_mTapInd1.hap1 SAMN37096863 PRJNA1010471 2023-09-25
44 Asiatic tapir (hap2 2023)[IGV] Tapirus indicus GCA_031878705.1_mTapInd1.hap2 SAMN37096863 PRJNA1010472 2023-09-25
45 ass (Dezhou 2021)[IGV] Equus asinus GCF_016077325.2_ASM1607732v2 SAMN08939908 PRJNA431818 2021-10-14
46 ass (Maral har 2015 refseq)[IGV] Equus asinus GCF_001305755.1_ASM130575v1 SAMN03010633 PRJNA259598 2015-10-02
47 Australian echidna (mTacAcu1 alternate hap 2020)[IGV] Tachyglossus aculeatus GCA_015852515.1_mTacAcu1.alt SAMN12634963 PRJNA607238 2020-12-08
48 Australian echidna (mTacAcu1 primary hap 2020)[IGV] Tachyglossus aculeatus GCF_015852505.1_mTacAcu1.pri SAMN12634963 PRJNA607237 2020-12-09
49 Bactrian camel (Alxa 2014 refseq)[IGV] Camelus bactrianus GCF_000767855.1_Ca_bactrianus_MBC_1.0 SAMN02953968 PRJNA183605 2014-10-23
50 banded mongoose[IGV] Mungos mungo GCA_004023785.1_MunMun_v1_BIUU SAMN07678097 PRJNA399406 2019-01-15
51 bank vole[IGV] Myodes glareolus GCF_902806735.1_Bank_vole1_10x SAMEA5971946 PRJEB34572 2020-02-22
52 banner-tailed kangaroo rat[IGV] Dipodomys spectabilis GCF_019054845.1_ASM1905484v1 SAMN19232064 PRJNA730493 2021-06-29
53 banteng 2023[IGV] Bos javanicus GCF_032452875.1_ARS-OSU_banteng_1.0 SAMN35998690 PRJNA988033 2023-10-11
54 bats A.intermedius (hap1 2024)[IGV] Artibeus intermedius GCA_038363145.1_mArtInt1.hap1 SAMN40002248 PRJNA1080656 2024-04-22
55 bats A.intermedius (hap2 2024)[IGV] Artibeus intermedius GCA_038363225.1_mArtInt1.hap2 SAMN40002248 PRJNA1080655 2024-04-22
56 beluga whale (Cook Inlet, Alaska, USA DL-CIB17-05 2020)[IGV] Delphinapterus leucas GCA_009917745.1_GSC_cook_1.0 SAMN12238539 PRJNA553680 2020-01-07
57 beluga whale (GAN/ISIS: 26980492/103006 v3 2019)[IGV] Delphinapterus leucas GCF_002288925.2_ASM228892v3 SAMN06216270 PRJNA360851 2019-08-29
58 big brown bat (BU_THK_EF1 2012)[IGV] Eptesicus fuscus GCF_000308155.1_EptFus1.0 SAMN00767986 PRJNA72449 2012-11-08
59 big brown bat (TK198812 2023)[IGV] Eptesicus fuscus GCF_027574615.1_DD_ASM_mEF_20220401 SAMN30608903 PRJNA868286 2023-01-09
60 bighorn sheep (BS48 2019)[IGV] Ovis canadensis GCA_004026945.1_OviCan_v1_BIUU SAMN07678102 PRJNA399410 2019-01-16
61 bilby (mMagLag1 2024)[IGV] Macrotis lagotis GCA_037893015.1_bilby.v1.9.chrom.fasta SAMN39300766 PRJNA1049866 2024-04-04
62 black flying fox[IGV] Pteropus alecto GCF_000325575.1_ASM32557v1 SAMN01103203 PRJNA171993 2013-12-04
63 black rat[IGV] Rattus rattus GCF_011064425.1_Rrattus_CSIRO_v1 SAMN12855339 PRJNA574245 2020-03-04
64 black rhinoceros (BS38 2019 Broad)[IGV] Diceros bicornis GCA_004027315.1_DicBicMic_v1_BIUU SAMN07678078 PRJNA399388 2019-01-16
65 black rhinoceros (mBicDic1 alternate hap 2021)[IGV] Diceros bicornis minor GCA_020826835.1_mDicBic1.pat.decon SAMN22047685 PRJNA773943 2021-11-10
66 black rhinoceros (mBicDic1 primary hap 2021)[IGV] Diceros bicornis minor GCF_020826845.1_mDicBic1.mat.cur SAMN22047685 PRJNA773944 2021-11-10
67 black-footed cat[IGV] Felis nigripes GCA_004023925.1_FelNig_v1_BIUU SAMN07678084 PRJNA399394 2019-01-15
68 black-footed ferret (SB6536 2022)[IGV] Mustela nigripes GCF_022355385.1_MUSNIG.SB6536 SAMN15012758 PRJNA634921 2022-02-24
69 black-lipped pika[IGV] Ochotona curzoniae GCF_017591425.1_NIBS_Ocur_1.0 SAMN13876228 PRJNA601872 2021-03-26
70 Blainville's beaked whale (alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Mesoplodon densirostris GCA_025094165.1_mMesDen1_alternate_haplotype SAMN29828597 PRJNA873679 2022-09-08
71 Blainville's beaked whale (primary hap 2022 refseq)[IGV] Mesoplodon densirostris GCF_025265405.1_mMesDen1_primary_haplotype SAMN29828597 PRJNA873668 2022-09-19
72 blue whale (alternate hap JJ_BM4_2016_0621 2019)[IGV] Balaenoptera musculus GCA_008658375.1_mBalMus1_alternate SAMN12287136 PRJNA554523 2019-09-23
73 Blue whale (JJ_BM4_2016_0621 v2 alternate hap 2020)[IGV] Balaenoptera musculus GCA_008658375.2_mBalMus1.alt.v2 SAMN12287136 PRJNA554523 2020-09-30
74 blue whale (JJ_BM4_2016_0621 v3 primary hap 2020)[IGV] Balaenoptera musculus GCF_009873245.2_mBalMus1.pri.v3 SAMN12287136 PRJNA554522 2020-10-02
75 bobcat (Redwood Valley CCGP_SWC_20201006 alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Lynx rufus GCA_022079275.1_mLynRuf1.a SAMN23391104 PRJNA782956 2022-02-08
76 bobcat (Redwood Valley CCGP_SWC_20201006 primary hap 2022)[IGV] Lynx rufus GCF_022079265.1_mLynRuf1.p SAMN23391104 PRJNA782957 2022-02-08
77 boreal woodland reindeer (boreal CA-31 2023)[IGV] Rangifer tarandus caribou GCA_019903745.2_ULRtarCaribou_2v2 SAMN19775459 PRJNA739179 2023-04-17
78 Botta's pocket gopher (bottae MVZ:Mamm:240275 alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Thomomys bottae GCA_024803775.1_mThoBot1.0.a SAMN29044214 PRJNA851165 2022-08-31
79 Botta's pocket gopher (bottae MVZ:Mamm:240275 primary hap 2022)[IGV] Thomomys bottae GCA_024803745.1_mThoBot1.0.p SAMN29044214 PRJNA851166 2022-09-01
80 Botta's pocket gopher (hap1 2023)[IGV] Thomomys bottae GCA_031878675.1_mThoBot2.hap1 SAMN37300244 PRJNA1013538 2023-09-25
81 Botta's pocket gopher (hap2 2023)[IGV] Thomomys bottae GCA_031878665.1_mThoBot2.hap2 SAMN37300244 PRJNA1013537 2023-09-25
82 boutu (hap1 2024)[IGV] Inia geoffrensis GCA_036417435.1_mIniGeo1.hap1 SAMN32797734 PRJNA925497 2024-02-06
83 boutu (hap2 2024)[IGV] Inia geoffrensis GCA_036417475.1_mIniGeo1.hap2 SAMN32797734 PRJNA925498 2024-02-06
84 Brandt's bat[IGV] Myotis brandtii GCF_000412655.1_ASM41265v1 SAMN01801565 PRJNA178678 2013-06-28
85 Brazilian free-tailed bat (primary hap 2023)[IGV] Tadarida brasiliensis GCA_030848825.1_DD_mTadBra1_pri SAMN35075070 PRJNA972445 2023-08-22
86 Brazilian guinea pig[IGV] Cavia aperea GCA_000688575.1_CavAp1.0 SAMN02252454 PRJNA212237 2014-01-21
87 Brazilian tapir[IGV] Tapirus terrestris GCA_004025025.1_TapTer_v1_BIUU SAMN07678114 PRJNA399422 2019-01-15
88 brown bear (GAN/ISIS:MIG12 v2 2018)[IGV] Ursus arctos horribilis GCF_003584765.2_ASM358476v2 SAMN09907428 PRJNA487641 2018-09-20
89 brown bear (v2.0 North America Adak 2023)[IGV] Ursus arctos GCF_023065955.2_UrsArc2.0 SAMN25977855 PRJNA807323 2023-05-22
90 brown big-eared bat (primary hap 2023)[IGV] Plecotus auritus GCA_963455305.1_mPleAur1.1 SAMEA110056142 PRJEB65991 2023-09-20
91 brown-throated sloth[IGV] Bradypus variegatus GCA_004027775.1_BraVar_v1_BIUU SAMN07678054 PRJNA399370 2019-01-16
92 cactus mouse (2023)[IGV] Peromyscus eremicus GCF_949786415.1_PerEre_H2_v1 SAMEA112839419 PRJEB60916 2023-04-08
93 California mouse (IS 2022)[IGV] Peromyscus californicus insignis GCF_007827085.1_ASM782708v3 SAMN10698868 PRJNA513219 2022-04-27
94 California sea lion (alternate hap 2019)[IGV] Zalophus californianus GCA_009762295.1_mZalCal1.alt SAMN12368149 PRJNA559674 2019-12-17
95 California sea lion (LMU 2018 refseq)[IGV] Zalophus californianus GCF_900631625.1_zalCal2.2 SAMEA5145493 PRJEB30031 2018-12-07
96 California sea lion (mZalCal1 alternate hap 2020)[IGV] Zalophus californianus GCA_009762295.2_mZalCal1.alt.v2 SAMN12368149 PRJNA559674 2020-06-12
97 California sea lion (v2 primary hap 2020)[IGV] Zalophus californianus GCF_009762305.2_mZalCal1.pri.v2 SAMN12368149 PRJNA559673 2020-07-14
98 California vole (kernensis MVZ Mamm 240107 alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Microtus californicus GCA_028537755.1_mMicCal1.0.hap2 SAMN31837211 PRJNA904289 2023-02-07
99 California vole (kernensis MVZ Mamm 240107 primary hap 2023)[IGV] Microtus californicus GCA_028537955.1_mMicCal1.0.hap1 SAMN31837211 PRJNA904290 2023-02-07
100 Canada lynx (alternate hap LIC74 2019)[IGV] Lynx canadensis GCA_007474575.1_mLynCan4_v1.alt SAMN09948483 PRJNA489108 2019-07-25
101 Canada lynx (LIC74 v2 alternate hap 2020)[IGV] Lynx canadensis GCA_007474575.2_mLynCan4.alt.v2 SAMN09948483 PRJNA489108 2020-06-12
102 Canada lynx (LIC74 v2 primary hap 2020)[IGV] Lynx canadensis GCF_007474595.2_mLynCan4.pri.v2 SAMN09948483 PRJNA489107 2020-07-14
103 Cantor's roundleaf bat[IGV] Hipposideros galeritus GCA_004027415.1_HipGal_v1_BIUU SAMN07678026 PRJNA399442 2019-01-16
104 Cape elephant shrew[IGV] Elephantulus edwardii GCF_000299155.1_EleEdw1.0 SAMN00749966 PRJNA74589 2012-10-10
105 Cape golden mole (2012 Broad)[IGV] Chrysochloris asiatica GCF_000296735.1_ChrAsi1.0 SAMN00744889 PRJNA74591 2012-09-19
106 Cape rock hyrax (US060 2019 Broad)[IGV] Procavia capensis GCA_004026925.1_ProCapCap_v1_BIUU SAMN07678107 PRJNA399414 2019-01-16
107 capybara[IGV] Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris GCA_004027455.1_HydHyd_v1_BIUU SAMN07678143 PRJNA399400 2019-01-16
108 carabao (swamp buffalo K-KA32 2023)[IGV] Bubalus kerabau GCF_029407905.1_PCC_UOA_SB_1v2 SAMN31703457 PRJNA901059 2023-03-31
109 cattle (Hereford L1 Dominette 01449 42190680 v2.0 2023 USDA)[IGV] Bos taurus GCF_002263795.3_ARS-UCD2.0 n/a PRJNA391427 2023-07-01
110 cattle (Hereford UMD_3.1.1 2014)[IGV] Bos taurus GCF_000003055.6_Bos_taurus_UMD_3.1.1 SAMN02898106 PRJNA32899 2014-11-25
111 Chacoan peccary (BS20 v2 2019 Broad)[IGV] Catagonus wagneri GCA_004024745.2_CatWag_v2_BIUU_UCD SAMN07678067 PRJNA399378 2019-07-15
112 cheetah (Ajub_Pintada_27869175 2022)[IGV] Acinonyx jubatus GCF_027475565.1_VMU_Ajub_asm_v1.0 SAMN29432198 PRJNA854353 2022-12-28
113 cheetah (Rico 2018)[IGV] Acinonyx jubatus GCF_003709585.1_Aci_jub_2 SAMN09699341 PRJNA482183 2018-10-22
114 Chinese forest musk deer (Sichuan 2022)[IGV] Moschus berezovskii GCF_022376915.1_ASM2237691v1 SAMN20589840 PRJNA752261 2022-02-23
115 Chinese hamster (17A/GY CHO 2020)[IGV] Cricetulus griseus GCF_003668045.3_CriGri-PICRH-1.0 SAMN07140313 PRJNA389969 2020-06-11
116 Chinese hamster (CHO v1 2011 BGI)[IGV] Cricetulus griseus GCF_000223135.1_CriGri_1.0 SAMN02981352 PRJNA69991 2011-08-23
117 Chinese hamster (CHO v2 2017 Eagle Genomics Ltd)[IGV] Cricetulus griseus GCA_900186095.1_CHOK1S_HZDv1 SAMEA104116709 PRJEB21211 2017-06-30
118 Chinese hamster (CHO-K1 CHOZN v2.4 2022)[IGV] Cricetulus griseus GCA_026545065.1_CHOZN_v2.4 SAMN29793812 PRJNA859676 2022-11-30
119 Chinese pangolin (2020 Yunnan U)[IGV] Manis pentadactyla GCF_014570555.1_YNU_ManPten_2.0 SAMN11464812 PRJNA529513 2020-09-15
120 Chinese pangolin (hap1 mManPen7 2023)[IGV] Manis pentadactyla GCF_030020395.1_mManPen7.hap1 SAMN32757332 PRJNA924339 2023-05-23
121 Chinese pangolin (hap2 mManPen7 2023)[IGV] Manis pentadactyla GCA_030020945.1_mManPen7.hap2 SAMN32757332 PRJNA924340 2023-05-16
122 Chinese pangolin (MPE899 2014 WashU)[IGV] Manis pentadactyla GCA_000738955.1_M_pentadactyla-1.1.1 SAMN01943338 PRJNA20331 2014-08-11
123 Chinese rufous horseshoe bat[IGV] Rhinolophus sinicus GCA_001888835.1_ASM188883v1 SAMN04038064 PRJNA294852 2016-12-04
124 Chinese tree shrew[IGV] Tupaia chinensis GCF_000334495.1_TupChi_1.0 SAMN01084043 PRJNA169406 2013-01-31
125 chiru[IGV] Pantholops hodgsonii GCA_000400835.1_PHO1.0 SAMN00990743 PRJNA72465 2013-05-28
126 clouded leopard (mNeoNeb1 alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Neofelis nebulosa GCA_028018655.1_mNeoNeb1.alt SAMN31801981 PRJNA915743 2023-01-26
127 clouded leopard (mNeoNeb1 primary hap 2023 refseq)[IGV] Neofelis nebulosa GCF_028018385.1_mNeoNeb1.pri SAMN31801981 PRJNA915742 2023-01-31
128 common bottlenose dolphin (maternal 2020)[IGV] Tursiops truncatus GCA_011762535.1_mTurTru1.mat SAMN12326775 PRJNA561885 2020-03-25
129 common bottlenose dolphin (maternal Y refseq 2020)[IGV] Tursiops truncatus GCF_011762595.1_mTurTru1.mat.Y SAMN12326775 PRJNA608726 2020-03-27
130 common bottlenose dolphin (MMES2002162SC 2016 refseq)[IGV] Tursiops truncatus GCF_001922835.1_NIST_Tur_tru_v1 SAMN06114300 PRJNA356464 2016-12-28
131 common bottlenose dolphin (paternal 2020)[IGV] Tursiops truncatus GCA_011762515.1_mTurTru1.pat SAMN12326775 PRJNA561884 2020-03-25
132 common brushtail (alternate hap 2020)[IGV] Trichosurus vulpecula GCA_011100645.1_mTriVul1.alt SAMN12629507 PRJNA562013 2020-03-09
133 common brushtail (refseq 2020)[IGV] Trichosurus vulpecula GCF_011100635.1_mTriVul1.pri SAMN12629507 PRJNA562014 2020-03-10
134 common pipistrelle (2020)[IGV] Pipistrellus pipistrellus GCA_903992545.1_mPipPip1.1 SAMEA994724 PRJEB39564 2020-08-06
135 common pipistrelle (alternate hap 2020)[IGV] Pipistrellus pipistrellus GCA_903992515.1_mPipPip1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA994724 PRJEB39565 2020-08-04
136 common pipistrelle (Broad 2019)[IGV] Pipistrellus pipistrellus GCA_004026625.1_PipPip_v1_BIUU SAMN07678120 PRJNA399427 2019-01-16
137 common vampire bat (HL8 alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Desmodus rotundus GCA_022682395.1_HLdesRot8B SAMN24116476 PRJNA789527 2022-03-24
138 common vampire bat (HL8 primary hap 2022 refseq)[IGV] Desmodus rotundus GCF_022682495.1_HLdesRot8A SAMN24116476 PRJNA789528 2022-03-24
139 common vampire bat (v3 DRU21DN04 2018)[IGV] Desmodus rotundus GCF_002940915.2_ASM294091v3 SAMN07783852 PRJNA414273 2018-02-23
140 common warthog (WHEZ1 2021)[IGV] Phacochoerus africanus GCF_016906955.1_ROS_Pafr_v1 SAMN15809474 PRJNA656957 2021-02-19
141 common wombat[IGV] Vombatus ursinus GCF_900497805.2_bare-nosed_wombat_genome_assembly SAMEA4791334 PRJEB27783 2018-12-10
142 creeping vole[IGV] Microtus oregoni GCF_018167655.1_Mior012 SAMN18478481 PRJNA505851 2021-04-26
143 crested porcupine[IGV] Hystrix cristata GCA_004026905.1_HysCri_v1_BIUU SAMN07678090 PRJNA399401 2019-01-16
144 Cuvier's beaked whale[IGV] Ziphius cavirostris GCA_004364475.1_ZipCav_v1_BIUU SAMN07678128 PRJNA399469 2019-03-22
145 Damara mole-rat DMR 1.0 (2014 BGI)[IGV] Fukomys damarensis GCF_000743615.1_DMR_v1.0 SAMN02339281 PRJNA190641 2014-09-04
146 Damara mole-rat DMR 1.0 HiC (2020 DNA Zoo)[IGV] Fukomys damarensis GCF_012274545.1_DMR_v1.0_HiC SAMN10973724 PRJNA604608 2020-04-13
147 dassie-rat[IGV] Petromus typicus GCA_004026965.1_PetTyp_v1_BIUU SAMN07678021 PRJNA399347 2019-01-16
148 Daubenton's bat (alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Myotis daubentonii GCA_963242275.1_mMyoDau2.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA9921455 PRJEB65247 2023-08-20
149 Daubenton's bat (primary hap 2023 refseq)[IGV] Myotis daubentonii GCF_963259705.1_mMyoDau2.1 SAMEA9921455 PRJEB65246 2023-08-20
150 Daurian ground squirrel[IGV] Spermophilus dauricus GCA_002406435.1_ASM240643v1 SAMN07711139 PRJNA215874 2017-09-28
151 David's myotis bat[IGV] Myotis davidii GCF_000327345.1_ASM32734v1 SAMN01103204 PRJNA171994 2012-12-20
152 degu (3935 2012 refseq)[IGV] Octodon degus GCF_000260255.1_OctDeg1.0 SAMN00769067 PRJNA74595 2012-05-01
153 desert hamster (2022)[IGV] Phodopus roborovskii GCF_943737965.1_PHOROB SAMEA9952654 PRJEB47530 2022-07-01
154 Desmarest's hutia[IGV] Capromys pilorides GCA_004027915.1_CapPil_v1_BIUU SAMN07678066 PRJNA399377 2019-01-16
155 dingo (2020 Alpine COOINDA U.NSW)[IGV] Canis lupus dingo GCF_012295265.1_UNSW_AlpineDingo_1.0 SAMN14395261 PRJNA613141 2020-04-15
156 dingo (Sandy 2020 James Cook U)[IGV] Canis lupus dingo GCF_003254725.2_ASM325472v2 SAMN09397198 PRJNA475652 2020-09-11
157 dog (boxer Tasha 2011)[IGV] Canis lupus familiaris GCF_000002285.3_CanFam3.1 SAMN02953603 PRJNA13179 2011-11-02
158 dog (boxer Tasha 2020)[IGV] Canis lupus familiaris GCF_000002285.5_Dog10K_Boxer_Tasha SAMN02953603 PRJNA13179 2020-10-06
159 dog (German shepard Mischka 2020)[IGV] Canis lupus familiaris GCF_011100685.1_UU_Cfam_GSD_1.0 SAMN13230619 PRJNA587469 2020-03-10
160 dog (labrador SID07034 2020)[IGV] Canis lupus familiaris GCF_014441545.1_ROS_Cfam_1.0 SAMN14478636 PRJNA615959 2020-09-03
161 domestic cat (Abyssinian Cinnamon 2017 WashU)[IGV] Felis catus GCF_000181335.3_Felis_catus_9.0 SAMN02953640 PRJNA16726 2017-11-20
162 domestic cat (Abyssinian Cinnamon 2021 WashU)[IGV] Felis catus GCA_000181335.5_felCat9.1_X SAMN02953640 PRJNA16726 2021-10-01
163 domestic cat (Fca126 2021 Texas A&M U)[IGV] Felis catus GCF_018350175.1_F.catus_Fca126_mat1.0 SAMN19729387 PRJNA684600 2021-05-13
164 domestic ferret (JIRA1106 JCVI 2020)[IGV] Mustela putorius furo GCF_011764305.1_ASM1176430v1.1 SAMN13896405 PRJNA580247 2020-03-27
165 domestic ferret (Sable 2011 Broad)[IGV] Mustela putorius furo GCA_000239315.1_MusPutFurMale1.0 SAMN00761641 PRJNA78213 2011-12-21
166 domestic guinea pig (051 PalLab524CR 2023)[IGV] Cavia porcellus GCF_034190915.1_mCavPor4.1 SAMN37383695 PRJNA1016386 2023-12-07
167 domestic guinea pig (2N 2008 refseq)[IGV] Cavia porcellus GCF_000151735.1_Cavpor3.0 SAMN02981223 PRJNA12583 2008-03-03
168 domestic yak (maiwa yakHY00 2019)[IGV] Bos grunniens GCA_005887515.3_BosGru3.1 SAMN11569574 PRJNA540974 2019-06-10
169 dugong (hap1 mDugDug1 2023)[IGV] Dugong dugon GCA_030035585.1_mDugDug1.hap1 SAMN33212336 PRJNA932812 2023-05-18
170 dugong (hap2 mDugDug1 2023)[IGV] Dugong dugon GCA_030020955.1_mDugDug1.hap2 SAMN33212336 PRJNA932821 2023-05-16
171 dwarf mongoose[IGV] Helogale parvula GCA_004023845.1_HelPar_v1_BIUU SAMN07678086 PRJNA399396 2019-01-15
172 eastern cottontail (primary hap 2023)[IGV] Sylvilagus floridanus GCA_949820135.1_mSylFlo1.10 SAMEA13607423 PRJEB61298 2023-04-19
173 eastern European house mouse (PWK_PhJ v2 2022)[IGV] Mus musculus musculus GCA_921998335.2_PWK_PhJ_v3 SAMEA9544189 PRJEB47108 2022-07-01
174 eastern mole[IGV] Scalopus aquaticus GCA_004024925.1_ScaAqu_v1_BIUU SAMN07678045 PRJNA399361 2019-01-15
175 eastern quoll[IGV] Dasyurus viverrinus GCA_020854095.1_UniMelb_DasViv_v1.0 SAMN21032600 PRJNA758704 2021-11-12
176 Egyptian rousette (1219 2016 Boston U)[IGV] Rousettus aegyptiacus GCF_001466805.2_Raegyp2.0 SAMN04287759 PRJNA303181 2016-03-17
177 Egyptian rousette (v1 2020 refseq)[IGV] Rousettus aegyptiacus GCF_014176215.1_mRouAeg1.p SAMN14734550 PRJNA628585 2020-08-07
178 Egyptian spiny mouse[IGV] Acomys cahirinus GCA_004027535.1_AcoCah_v1_BIUU SAMN07678032 PRJNA399339 2019-01-16
179 elk (wapiti)[IGV] Cervus canadensis GCF_019320065.1_ASM1932006v1 SAMN15814149 PRJNA657053 2021-07-26
180 ermine (2020)[IGV] Mustela erminea GCF_009829155.1_mMusErm1.Pri SAMN12611999 PRJNA561931 2020-01-03
181 ermine (alternate hap 2020)[IGV] Mustela erminea GCA_009829165.1_mMusErm1.alt SAMN12611999 PRJNA561930 2020-01-03
182 Eurasian badger (2021)[IGV] Meles meles GCA_922990625.1_mMelMel3.1_maternal_haplotype_uncurated SAMEA7524400 PRJEB49352 2021-12-18
183 Eurasian badger (v3.2 2022)[IGV] Meles meles GCA_922984935.2_mMelMel3.2_paternal_haplotype SAMEA7524400 PRJEB49353 2022-03-23
184 Eurasian field mouse (2024)[IGV] Apodemus agrarius GCA_964023405.1_mApoAgr2.1 SAMEA112797479 PRJEB74496 2024-04-12
185 Eurasian red squirrel (alternate hap 2019)[IGV] Sciurus vulgaris GCA_902685485.1_mSciVul1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA994733 PRJEB35379 2019-11-26
186 Eurasian red squirrel (v1.2 2020)[IGV] Sciurus vulgaris GCA_902686455.2_mSciVul1.2 SAMEA994733 PRJEB35380 2020-07-31
187 Eurasian river otter (2020)[IGV] Lutra lutra GCF_902655055.1_mLutLut1.2 SAMEA994731 PRJEB35339 2020-07-31
188 Eurasian river otter (alternate hap 2019)[IGV] Lutra lutra GCA_902653095.1_mLutLut1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA994731 PRJEB35338 2019-12-09
189 Eurasian water vole (alternate hap 2020)[IGV] Arvicola amphibius GCA_903992525.1_mArvAmp1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA994740 PRJEB39549 2020-08-04
190 Eurasian water vole (v2 2021)[IGV] Arvicola amphibius GCF_903992535.2_mArvAmp1.2 SAMEA994740 PRJEB39550 2021-05-15
191 European hare (LE1 primary hap 2023)[IGV] Lepus europaeus GCF_033115175.1_mLepTim1.pri SAMN33984520 PRJNA1009711 2023-10-31
192 European harvest mouse (primary hap 2024)[IGV] Micromys minutus GCA_963924665.1_mMicMin1.1 SAMEA112468042 PRJEB72093 2024-01-29
193 European mink (alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Mustela lutreola GCA_030435785.1_mMusLut2.alt SAMN35784236 PRJNA984927 2023-07-11
194 European mink (primary hap 2023 refseq)[IGV] Mustela lutreola GCF_030435805.1_mMusLut2.pri SAMN35784236 PRJNA984926 2023-07-13
195 European mole (hap1 2024)[IGV] Talpa europaea GCA_964194135.1_mTalEur1.hap1.1 SAMEA112468127 PRJEB76907 2024-06-28
196 European mole (hap2 2024)[IGV] Talpa europaea GCA_964194205.1_mTalEur1.hap2.1 SAMEA112468127 PRJEB76906 2024-06-27
197 European pine marten (primary hap 2023)[IGV] Martes martes GCA_963455335.1_mMarMar1.1 SAMEA14268932 PRJEB65998 2023-09-20
198 European shrew (alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Sorex araneus GCA_027595995.1_mSorAra2.alt SAMN32477717 PRJNA916524 2023-01-06
199 European shrew (GB8-d 2012)[IGV] Sorex araneus GCF_000181275.1_SorAra2.0 SAMN00210854 PRJNA13689 2012-08-27
200 European shrew (primary hap 2023)[IGV] Sorex araneus GCF_027595985.1_mSorAra2.pri SAMN32477717 PRJNA916523 2023-01-09
201 European snow vole (alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Chionomys nivalis GCA_950005115.1_mChiNiv1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA13217622 PRJEB61597 2023-04-29
202 European snow vole (primary hap 2023 refseq)[IGV] Chionomys nivalis GCF_950005125.1_mChiNiv1.1 SAMEA13217622 PRJEB61598 2023-05-01
203 European suslik (primary hap 2024)[IGV] Spermophilus citellus GCA_964194105.1_mSpeCit3.1 SAMEA10332752 PRJEB76892 2024-06-28
204 European woodmouse (2022 refseq)[IGV] Apodemus sylvaticus GCF_947179515.1_mApoSyl1.1 SAMEA7702024 PRJEB56948 2022-10-28
205 European woodmouse (alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Apodemus sylvaticus GCA_947179525.1_mApoSyl1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA7702024 PRJEB56947 2022-11-01
206 fallow deer (Ldn47 2023)[IGV] Dama dama GCF_033118175.1_ASM3311817v1 SAMN31886425 PRJNA905851 2023-11-02
207 false killer whale (hap1 2024)[IGV] Pseudorca crassidens GCA_039906515.1_mPseCra1.hap1 SAMN41253811 PRJNA1108771 2024-05-31
208 false killer whale (hap2 2024)[IGV] Pseudorca crassidens GCA_039906525.1_mPseCra1.hap2 SAMN41253811 PRJNA1108772 2024-05-31
209 false killer whale (mPseCra1hap1 2024)[IGV] Pseudorca crassidens GCF_039906515.1_mPseCra1.hap1 SAMN41253811 PRJNA1108771 2024-05-31
210 fat dormouse (US078 2019)[IGV] Glis glis GCA_004027185.1_GliGli_v1_BIUU SAMN07678015 PRJNA399435 2019-01-16
211 fat sand rat (mPsaObe1 2021)[IGV] Psammomys obesus GCF_907164565.1_mPsaObe1.curated_primary_1811 SAMEA8556771 PRJEB44074 2021-06-02
212 fat sand rat (Psa_ob012049795 2017)[IGV] Psammomys obesus GCA_002215935.1_ASM221593v1 SAMN06061930 PRJNA355058 2017-07-07
213 fishing cat (Anna 2022 U Missouri)[IGV] Prionailurus viverrinus GCF_022837055.1_UM_Priviv_1.0 SAMN26586088 PRJNA815338 2022-04-08
214 Florida manatee (CSIC 2023)[IGV] Trichechus manatus latirostris GCA_030013775.1_ASM3001377v1 SAMN00632092 PRJNA939417 2023-05-15
215 Florida manatee (Lorelei 2012 refseq)[IGV] Trichechus manatus latirostris GCF_000243295.1_TriManLat1.0 SAMN00632092 PRJNA68243 2012-01-23
216 fossa[IGV] Cryptoprocta ferox GCA_004023885.1_CryFer_v1_BIUU SAMN07678074 PRJNA399384 2019-01-15
217 Gambian giant pouched rat[IGV] Cricetomys gambianus GCA_004027575.1_CriGam_v1_BIUU SAMN07678025 PRJNA399436 2019-01-16
218 gayal (CVASU_BF_001 2021)[IGV] Bos frontalis GCA_017311355.1_CVASU_Gayal_001 SAMN16965583 PRJNA655910 2021-03-09
219 gayal (Nagaland 2019)[IGV] Bos frontalis GCA_007844835.1_NRC_Mithun_1 SAMN02689702 PRJNA241403 2019-08-05
220 Geoffroy's cat[IGV] Leopardus geoffroyi GCF_018350155.1_O.geoffroyi_Oge1_pat1.0 SAMN19729386 PRJNA684599 2021-05-13
221 giant anteater[IGV] Myrmecophaga tridactyla GCA_004026745.1_MyrTri_v1_BIUU SAMN07678098 PRJNA399407 2019-01-16
222 giant otter[IGV] Pteronura brasiliensis GCA_004024605.1_PteBra_v1_BIUU SAMN07678049 PRJNA399365 2019-01-15
223 giant panda (Jingjing v3 2020)[IGV] Ailuropoda melanoleuca GCF_002007445.2_ASM200744v3 SAMN04193337 PRJNA588422 2020-04-20
224 goat (v2 San Clemente 2016 USDA)[IGV] Capra hircus GCF_001704415.2_ARS1.2 SAMN03863711 PRJNA290100 2016-08-24
225 Gobi jerboa[IGV] Orientallactaga bullata GCA_004027895.1_AllBul_v1_BIUU SAMN07678035 PRJNA399447 2019-01-16
226 golden hamster (Baylor 2021)[IGV] Mesocricetus auratus GCF_017639785.1_BCM_Maur_2.0 SAMN18096087 PRJNA705675 2021-03-30
227 golden hamster (Broad 2013 refseq)[IGV] Mesocricetus auratus GCF_000349665.1_MesAur1.0 SAMN00769068 PRJNA77669 2013-03-29
228 golden spiny mouse (2020)[IGV] Acomys russatus GCF_903995435.1_mAcoRus1.1 SAMEA104026431 PRJEB39768 2020-08-21
229 gracile shrew mole[IGV] Uropsilus gracilis GCA_004024945.1_UroGra_v1_BIUU SAMN07678046 PRJNA399362 2019-01-15
230 gray seal[IGV] Halichoerus grypus GCF_012393455.1_Tufts_HGry_1.1 SAMN13022322 PRJNA577240 2020-04-15
231 gray short-tailed opossum (mMonDom1 alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Monodelphis domestica GCA_027917375.1_mMonDom1.alt SAMN31801966 PRJNA915591 2023-01-17
232 gray short-tailed opossum (mMonDom1 primary hap 2023 refseq)[IGV] Monodelphis domestica GCF_027887165.1_mMonDom1.pri SAMN31801966 PRJNA915592 2023-01-18
233 gray short-tailed opossum (MonDom5 2007)[IGV] Monodelphis domestica GCF_000002295.2_MonDom5 SAMN02953611 PRJNA12561 2007-01-25
234 gray squirrel (2020)[IGV] Sciurus carolinensis GCF_902686445.1_mSciCar1.2 SAMEA994726 PRJEB35386 2020-07-31
235 gray squirrel (alternate hap 2019)[IGV] Sciurus carolinensis GCA_902685475.1_mSciCar1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA994726 PRJEB35385 2019-11-26
236 gray wolf (2021)[IGV] Canis lupus GCA_905319855.2_mCanLor1.2 SAMEA7532739 PRJEB43200 2021-03-26
237 gray wolf (alternate hap 2021)[IGV] Canis lupus GCA_905319845.1_mCanLor1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA7532739 PRJEB43199 2021-03-21
238 great fruit-eating bat (v2 hap1 2024)[IGV] Artibeus lituratus GCA_038363095.2_mArtLit.hap1 SAMN40002247 PRJNA1080658 2024-05-21
239 great roundleaf bat (v2 ML-2016 2016)[IGV] Hipposideros armiger GCF_001890085.2_ASM189008v1 SAMN03177460 PRJNA267039 2016-12-06
240 greater bulldog bat[IGV] Noctilio leporinus GCA_004026585.1_NocLep_v1_BIUU SAMN07678134 PRJNA399473 2019-01-16
241 Greater cane rat[IGV] Thryonomys swinderianus GCA_004025085.1_ThrSwi_v1_BIUU SAMN07678129 PRJNA399470 2019-01-15
242 greater horseshoe bat (MPI-CBG alternate hap 2019)[IGV] Rhinolophus ferrumequinum GCA_004115295.1_mRhiFer1_v1.h SAMN09948510 PRJNA489105 2019-01-28
243 greater horseshoe bat (v2 MPI-CBG 2019)[IGV] Rhinolophus ferrumequinum GCF_004115265.2_mRhiFer1_v1.p SAMN09948510 PRJNA489106 2019-05-16
244 greater mouse-eared bat (2020 Bat1K)[IGV] Myotis myotis GCF_014108235.1_mMyoMyo1.p SAMN14734277 PRJNA628559 2020-08-07
245 greater sac-winged bat (primary hap 2024 refseq)[IGV] Saccopteryx bilineata GCF_036850765.1_mSacBil1_pri_phased_curated SAMN37288508 PRJNA1013202 2024-02-26
246 greater spear-nosed bat (2021 Texas Tech U)[IGV] Phyllostomus hastatus GCF_019186645.2_TTU_PhHast_1.1 SAMN19371543 PRJNA733208 2021-07-09
247 grey whale[IGV] Eschrichtius robustus GCA_004363415.1_EscRob_v1_BIUU SAMN07678123 PRJNA399463 2019-03-22
248 grey whale (mEscRob2 alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Eschrichtius robustus GCA_028021475.1_mEscRob2.alt SAMN32629250 PRJNA921703 2023-01-26
249 grey whale (mEscRob2 primary hap 2023)[IGV] Eschrichtius robustus GCA_028021215.1_mEscRob2.pri SAMN32629250 PRJNA921702 2023-01-31
250 grey whale (mEscRob2 primary hap 2023)[IGV] Eschrichtius robustus GCF_028021215.1_mEscRob2.pri SAMN32629250 PRJNA921702 2023-01-31
251 hairy big-eared bat (US037 2019 Broad)[IGV] Micronycteris hirsuta GCA_004026765.1_MicHir_v1_BIUU SAMN07678146 PRJNA399354 2019-01-16
252 harbor porpoise (primary hap 2024 genbank)[IGV] Phocoena phocoena GCA_963924675.1_mPhoPho1.1 SAMEA111380536 PRJEB72090 2024-01-29
253 harbor porpoise (primary hap 2024 refseq)[IGV] Phocoena phocoena GCF_963924675.1_mPhoPho1.1 SAMEA111380536 PRJEB72090 2024-01-29
254 harbor seal[IGV] Phoca vitulina GCF_004348235.1_GSC_HSeal_1.0 SAMN10150265 PRJNA494181 2019-02-11
255 Hawaiian monk seal (2021 Johns Hopkins U)[IGV] Neomonachus schauinslandi GCF_002201575.2_ASM220157v2 SAMN06841387 PRJNA384558 2021-10-20
256 hazel dormouse[IGV] Muscardinus avellanarius GCA_004027005.1_MusAve_v1_BIUU SAMN07678014 PRJNA399340 2019-01-16
257 hazel dormouse (alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Muscardinus avellanarius GCA_963383665.1_mMusAve1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA110180654 PRJEB65339 2023-08-27
258 hazel dormouse (primary hap 2023)[IGV] Muscardinus avellanarius GCA_963383645.1_mMusAve1.1 SAMEA110180654 PRJEB65338 2023-08-26
259 hippopotamus (BS01 2019 Broad)[IGV] Hippopotamus amphibius GCA_004027065.1_HipAmp_v1_BIUU SAMN07678089 PRJNA399399 2019-01-16
260 hippopotamus (HIP001 2018)[IGV] Hippopotamus amphibius GCA_002995585.1_ASM299558v1 SAMN07206988 PRJNA389773 2018-03-13
261 hippopotamus (mHipAmp2 hap1 2023)[IGV] Hippopotamus amphibius kiboko GCA_030028035.1_mHipAmp2.hap1 SAMN33342074 PRJNA936167 2023-05-17
262 hippopotamus (v2 hap2 2023 refseq)[IGV] Hippopotamus amphibius kiboko GCF_030028045.1_mHipAmp2.hap2 SAMN33342074 PRJNA936168 2023-05-18
263 hirola (BS46 2019 Broad)[IGV] Beatragus hunteri GCA_004027495.1_BeaHun_v1_BIUU SAMN07678065 PRJNA399375 2019-01-16
264 Hispaniolan solenodon[IGV] Solenodon paradoxus GCA_004363575.1_SolPar_v1_BIUU SAMN07678062 PRJNA399371 2019-03-22
265 hispid cotton rat[IGV] Sigmodon hispidus GCA_004025045.1_SigHis_v1_BIUU SAMN07678138 PRJNA399433 2019-01-15
266 Hoffmann's two-fingered sloth[IGV] Choloepus hoffmanni GCA_000164785.2_C_hoffmanni-2.0.1 SAMN02146716 PRJNA30809 2014-09-30
267 hog-nosed bat[IGV] Craseonycteris thonglongyai GCA_004027555.1_CraTho_v1_BIUU SAMN07678039 PRJNA399445 2019-01-16
268 Honduran yellow-shouldered bat (v2.1 Veracruz 20B 2020)[IGV] Sturnira hondurensis GCF_014824575.3_WHU_Shon_v2.1 SAMN12282880 PRJNA554734 2020-09-30
269 horse (maternal 2024)[IGV] Equus caballus GCA_036418255.1_mEquCab1.mat SAMN39296386 PRJNA1064425 2024-02-07
270 horse (paternal 2024)[IGV] Equus caballus GCA_036426135.1_mEquCab1.pat SAMN39296386 PRJNA1064424 2024-02-07
271 horse (Twilight 2018)[IGV] Equus caballus GCF_002863925.1_EquCab3.0 SAMN02953672 PRJNA421018 2018-01-05
272 house mouse (129S1_SvImJv1 2016)[IGV] Mus musculus GCA_001624185.1_129S1_SvImJ_v1 SAMN04489811 PRJNA310854 2016-04-26
273 house mouse (129S1_SvImJ_v3 2022)[IGV] Mus musculus GCA_921998555.2_129S1_SvImJ_v3 SAMEA9544178 PRJEB47108 2022-07-01
274 house mouse (AKR_J v3 2022)[IGV] Mus musculus GCA_922000895.2_AKR_J_v3 SAMEA9544180 PRJEB47108 2022-07-01
275 house mouse (alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Mus musculus GCA_949316305.1_mMusMuc1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA112251260 PRJEB60145 2023-04-08
276 house mouse (A_J v3 2022)[IGV] Mus musculus GCA_921998355.2_A_J_v3 SAMEA9544179 PRJEB47108 2022-06-30
277 house mouse (BALB_cJ v3 2022)[IGV] Mus musculus GCA_921997145.2_BALB_cJ_v3 SAMEA9544181 PRJEB47108 2022-07-01
278 house mouse (C3H_HeJ v3 2022)[IGV] Mus musculus GCA_921997125.2_C3H_HeJ_v3 SAMEA9544182 PRJEB47108 2022-07-01
279 house mouse (C57BL_6J T2T 2024)[IGV] Mus musculus GCA_964188535.1_C57BL_6J_T2T_v1 SAMEA115765483 PRJEB47108 2024-06-23
280 house mouse (CBA_J v3 2022)[IGV] Mus musculus GCA_921998905.2_CBA_J_v3 SAMEA9544184 PRJEB47108 2022-06-30
281 house mouse (DBA_2J v3 2022)[IGV] Mus musculus GCA_921998315.2_DBA_2J_v3 SAMEA9544177 PRJEB47108 2022-07-01
282 house mouse (FVB_NJ v3 2022)[IGV] Mus musculus GCA_921998635.2_FVB_NJ_v3 SAMEA9544185 PRJEB47108 2022-07-01
283 house mouse (LP_J v3 2022)[IGV] Mus musculus GCA_947599735.1_LP_J_v3 SAMEA9544186 PRJEB47108 2022-12-18
284 house mouse (NOD_ShiLtJ v3 2022)[IGV] Mus musculus GCA_921998325.2_NOD_ShiLtJ_v3 SAMEA9544187 PRJEB47108 2022-07-01
285 house mouse (NZO_HlLtJ v3 2022)[IGV] Mus musculus GCA_947593165.1_NZO_HlLtJ_v3 SAMEA9544188 PRJEB47108 2022-12-18
286 house mouse (primary hap 2023)[IGV] Mus musculus GCA_949316315.1_mMusMuc1.1 SAMEA112251260 PRJEB60144 2023-04-08
287 house mouse C57BL/6J 2020 GRC[IGV] Mus musculus GCF_000001635.27_GRCm39 n/a PRJNA20689 2020-06-24
288 house mouse C57BL_6NJ (2016)[IGV] Mus musculus GCA_001632555.1_C57BL_6NJ_v1 SAMN04489821 PRJNA310854 2016-05-09
289 house mouse C57BL_6NJ (2022)[IGV] Mus musculus GCA_921999865.2_C57BL_6NJ_v3 SAMEA9544183 PRJEB47108 2022-07-01
290 hybrid cattle (Angus x Brahman F1 Angus haplotype 2018)[IGV] Bos indicus x Bos taurus GCA_003369685.2_UOA_Angus_1 SAMN08473802 PRJNA432857 2018-11-30
291 hybrid cattle (Angus x Brahman F1 Brahman haplotype 2018)[IGV] Bos indicus x Bos taurus GCF_003369695.1_UOA_Brahman_1 SAMN08473802 PRJNA432857 2018-11-30
292 Iberian mole (v2.1 TD23 2020)[IGV] Talpa occidentalis GCF_014898055.3_MPIMG_talOcc4v2.1 SAMN10160270 PRJNA494291 2020-10-19
293 Indian false vampire[IGV] Megaderma lyra GCA_004026885.1_MegLyr_v1_BIUU SAMN07678029 PRJNA399353 2019-01-16
294 Indian flying fox[IGV] Pteropus giganteus GCF_902729225.1_Ma_sr-lr_union100 SAMEA5634742 PRJEB32728 2020-04-15
295 Indochinese shrew (US011 2019 Broad)[IGV] Crocidura indochinensis GCA_004027635.1_CroInd_v1_BIUU SAMN07678044 PRJNA399360 2019-01-16
296 Indus River dolphin[IGV] Platanista minor GCA_004363435.1_PlaMin_v1_BIUU SAMN07678149 PRJNA399467 2019-03-22
297 intermediate roundleaf bat (primary hap 2023)[IGV] Hipposideros larvatus GCA_031876335.1_mHipLar1.pri SAMN36277597 PRJNA1006758 2023-09-25
298 jaguar (BS21 2019)[IGV] Panthera onca GCA_004023805.1_PanOnc_v1_BIUU SAMN07678103 PRJNA399411 2019-01-15
299 jaguar (Sample0147 2023)[IGV] Panthera onca GCF_028533385.1_Panthera_onca_HiC SAMN14122073 PRJNA512907 2023-02-09
300 jaguarundi[IGV] Puma yagouaroundi GCF_014898765.1_PumYag SAMN14930875 PRJNA633021 2020-10-20
301 Jamaican fruit-eating bat (1a 2020 Wuhan U)[IGV] Artibeus jamaicensis GCF_014825515.1_WHU_Ajam_v2 SAMN12273914 PRJNA554589 2020-09-30
302 Jamaican fruit-eating bat (2021)[IGV] Artibeus jamaicensis GCF_021234435.1_CSHL_Jam_final SAMN21509358 PRJNA751559 2021-12-20
303 Japanese wild mouse (2022)[IGV] Mus musculus molossinus GCA_921999095.2_JF1_MsJ_v3 SAMEA9544190 PRJEB47108 2022-07-01
304 Java mouse-deer (US108 2019 Broad)[IGV] Tragulus javanicus GCA_004024965.1_TraJav_v1_BIUU SAMN07678116 PRJNA399456 2019-01-15
305 killer whale (2022)[IGV] Orcinus orca GCF_937001465.1_mOrcOrc1.1 SAMEA8800229 PRJEB52131 2022-05-03
306 killer whale (alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Orcinus orca GCA_937001455.1_mOrcOrc1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA8800229 PRJEB52132 2022-05-01
307 killer whale (Morgan 2013)[IGV] Orcinus orca GCF_000331955.2_Oorc_1.1 SAMN01180276 PRJNA167475 2013-01-31
308 koala (Bilbo 61053 2022)[IGV] Phascolarctos cinereus GCA_003287225.2_phaCin_HiC SAMN06198159 PRJNA359763 2022-12-12
309 Kuhl's pipistrelle (2020)[IGV] Pipistrellus kuhlii GCF_014108245.1_mPipKuh1.p SAMN14734388 PRJNA628567 2020-08-07
310 large flying fox[IGV] Pteropus vampyrus GCF_000151845.1_Pvam_2.0 SAMN02894360 PRJNA20325 2014-12-05
311 large Japanese field mouse (IB14-021 2017)[IGV] Apodemus speciosus GCA_002335545.1_Aspe_assembly01 SAMD00084465 PRJDB5914 2017-09-12
312 large tree shrew (BS70 2022)[IGV] Tupaia tana GCA_026018925.1_mTupTan1 SAMN07678117 PRJNA782001 2022-11-07
313 leopard (Hobbes primary hap 2022)[IGV] Panthera pardus GCF_024362965.1_ASM2436296v1 SAMN23235441 PRJNA847351 2022-07-21
314 leopard (Maewha 2016 refseq)[IGV] Panthera pardus GCF_001857705.1_PanPar1.0 SAMN04347630 PRJNA306701 2016-11-16
315 leopard cat[IGV] Prionailurus bengalensis GCF_016509475.1_Fcat_Pben_1.1_paternal_pri SAMN16486448 PRJNA682572 2021-01-06
316 lesser Egyptian jerboa (2021)[IGV] Jaculus jaculus GCF_020740685.1_mJacJac1.mat.Y.cur SAMN20391724 PRJNA773797 2021-11-04
317 lesser Egyptian jerboa (alternate hap 2021)[IGV] Jaculus jaculus GCA_020740715.1_mJacJac1.pat.decon SAMN20391724 PRJNA773798 2021-11-03
318 lesser Egyptian jerboa (JJ0015 2012 refseq)[IGV] Jaculus jaculus GCF_000280705.1_JacJac1.0 SAMN00728442 PRJNA72445 2012-07-30
319 lesser horseshoe bat (hap1 2024)[IGV] Rhinolophus hipposideros GCA_964194185.1_mRhiHip2.hap1.1 SAMEA113980802 PRJEB76910 2024-06-28
320 lesser horseshoe bat (hap2 2024)[IGV] Rhinolophus hipposideros GCA_964194215.1_mRhiHip2.hap2.1 SAMEA113980802 PRJEB76909 2024-06-27
321 lesser panda (RP43 2017)[IGV] Ailurus styani GCA_002007465.1_ASM200746v1 SAMN04169031 PRJNA298932 2017-02-28
322 lesser sac-winged bat (primary hap 2024 refseq)[IGV] Saccopteryx leptura GCF_036850995.1_mSacLep1_pri_phased_curated SAMN37390139 PRJNA1017170 2024-02-26
323 lion[IGV] Panthera leo GCF_018350215.1_P.leo_Ple1_pat1.1 SAMN17054329 PRJNA684340 2021-05-13
324 little brown bat[IGV] Myotis lucifugus GCF_000147115.1_Myoluc2.0 SAMN02953645 PRJNA16951 2010-09-14
325 little pocket mouse (longimembris alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Perognathus longimembris GCA_024363435.1_mPerLon1.0.a SAMN29044251 PRJNA855967 2022-07-21
326 little pocket mouse (longimembris primary hap 2022)[IGV] Perognathus longimembris GCA_024363575.1_mPerLon1.0.p SAMN29044251 PRJNA855968 2022-07-21
327 little tube-nosed bat[IGV] Murina aurata feae GCA_004026665.1_MurFea_v1_BIUU SAMN07678148 PRJNA399367 2019-01-16
328 long-finned pilot whale (primary hap 2023)[IGV] Globicephala melas GCF_963455315.1_mGloMel1.1 SAMEA111380538 PRJEB65996 2023-09-21
329 long-finned pilot whale (X-22926-18 2019)[IGV] Globicephala melas GCF_006547405.1_ASM654740v1 SAMN11083132 PRJNA525909 2019-07-01
330 long-tailed chinchilla[IGV] Chinchilla lanigera GCF_000276665.1_ChiLan1.0 SAMN00632093 PRJNA68239 2012-08-28
331 long-tongued fruit bat (US102 2019 Broad)[IGV] Macroglossus sobrinus GCA_004027375.1_MacSob_v1_BIUU SAMN07678028 PRJNA399443 2019-01-16
332 Lowland paca[IGV] Cuniculus paca GCA_004365215.1_CunPac_v1_BIUU SAMN07678075 PRJNA399385 2019-03-22
333 Malayan pangolin (MP_PG03-UM 2016 refseq)[IGV] Manis javanica GCF_001685135.1_ManJav1.0 SAMN02935387 PRJNA256023 2016-07-14
334 Malayan pangolin YNU ManJav 2.0[IGV] Manis javanica GCF_014570535.1_YNU_ManJav_2.0 SAMN11464811 PRJNA529512 2020-09-15
335 Masai giraffe (MA1 2016 Penn St)[IGV] Giraffa tippelskirchi GCA_001651235.1_ASM165123v1 SAMN04526126 PRJNA313910 2016-05-20
336 meadow jumping mouse[IGV] Zapus hudsonius GCA_004024765.1_ZapHud_v1_BIUU SAMN07678139 PRJNA399434 2019-01-15
337 meadow vole (hap1 2024)[IGV] Microtus pennsylvanicus GCA_037038515.1_mMicPen1.hap1 SAMN39894136 PRJNA1074849 2024-03-06
338 meadow vole (hap2 2024)[IGV] Microtus pennsylvanicus GCA_037039175.1_mMicPen1.hap2 SAMN39894136 PRJNA1074850 2024-03-06
339 meerkat (VVHF042 2019 DNA Zoo refseq)[IGV] Suricata suricatta GCF_006229205.1_meerkat_22Aug2017_6uvM2_HiC SAMN11840572 PRJNA540846 2019-07-03
340 Merriam's kangaroo rat (MVZ:Mamm:240054 alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Dipodomys merriami GCA_024711525.1_mDipMer1.0.a SAMN29046532 PRJNA851459 2022-08-18
341 Merriam's kangaroo rat (MVZ:Mamm:240054 primary hap 2022)[IGV] Dipodomys merriami GCA_024711535.1_mDipMer1.0.p SAMN29046532 PRJNA851460 2022-08-18
342 Merriam's long-tongued bat (hap1 2024)[IGV] Glossophaga mutica GCA_039655065.1_mGloMut1.hap1 SAMN40946060 PRJNA1099662 2024-05-17
343 Merriam's long-tongued bat (hap2 2024)[IGV] Glossophaga mutica GCA_039656995.1_mGloMut1.hap2 SAMN40946060 PRJNA1099663 2024-05-17
344 minke whale (2013 refseq)[IGV] Balaenoptera acutorostrata scammoni GCF_000493695.1_BalAcu1.0 SAMN02192642 PRJNA72723 2013-10-31
345 minke whale (alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Balaenoptera acutorostrata GCA_950005055.1_mBalAcu1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA111380540 PRJEB61580 2023-04-29
346 minke whale (primary hap 2023 refseq)[IGV] Balaenoptera acutorostrata GCF_949987535.1_mBalAcu1.1 SAMEA111380540 PRJEB61579 2023-05-01
347 Mongolian gerbil (243 2017 Lucigen Corp.)[IGV] Meriones unguiculatus GCF_002204375.1_MunDraft-v1.0 SAMN06897401 PRJNA385619 2017-06-21
348 Mongolian gerbil (EAM2014 2019 BGI)[IGV] Meriones unguiculatus GCA_008131255.1_ASM813125v1 SAMN11651137 PRJNA543000 2019-08-30
349 Mongolian gerbil (TT.TT164.6M 2023)[IGV] Meriones unguiculatus GCF_030254825.1_Bangor_MerUng_6.1 SAMN26787832 PRJNA397533 2023-06-12
350 monito del monte (mDroGli1 alternate hap 2021)[IGV] Dromiciops gliroides GCA_019395325.1_mDroGli1.alt SAMN18857598 PRJNA728142 2021-07-29
351 monito del monte (mDroGli1 primary hap 2021 refseq)[IGV] Dromiciops gliroides GCF_019393635.1_mDroGli1.pri SAMN18857598 PRJNA728141 2021-08-03
352 Montane guinea pig[IGV] Cavia tschudii GCA_004027695.1_CavTsc_v1_BIUU SAMN07678017 PRJNA399343 2019-01-16
353 mountain beaver[IGV] Aplodontia rufa GCA_004027875.1_AplRuf_v1_BIUU SAMN07678037 PRJNA399342 2019-01-16
354 muskrat[IGV] Ondatra zibethicus GCA_004026605.1_OndZib_v1_BIUU SAMN07678059 PRJNA399451 2019-01-16
355 naked mole-rat (MEF-2018 2020)[IGV] Heterocephalus glaber GCA_014060925.1_Heter_glaber.v1.7_hic_pac SAMN10409247 PRJNA505051 2020-08-04
356 naked mole-rat (NMR 29 2012 refseq)[IGV] Heterocephalus glaber GCF_000247695.1_HetGla_female_1.0 SAMN00714537 PRJNA72441 2012-02-17
357 narwhal (Baffin Bay 2019)[IGV] Monodon monoceros GCF_005190385.1_NGI_Narwhal_1 SAMN10872456 PRJNA520934 2019-05-06
358 Natal long-fingered bat[IGV] Miniopterus natalensis GCF_001595765.1_Mnat.v1 SAMN03652541 PRJNA283550 2016-03-22
359 neotropical fruit bat[IGV] Sturnira hondurensis GCF_014824575.2_WHU_Shon_v2.1 SAMN12282880 PRJNA554734 2020-09-30
360 Nilgiri tahr[IGV] Hemitragus hylocrius GCA_004026825.1_HemHyl_v1_BIUU SAMN07678087 PRJNA399397 2019-01-16
361 nine-banded armadillo (mDasNov1 hap1 2023)[IGV] Dasypus novemcinctus GCA_030445055.1_mDasNov1.hap1 SAMN32738980 PRJNA923799 2023-07-13
362 nine-banded armadillo (mDasNov1 hap1 2023)[IGV] Dasypus novemcinctus GCA_030445055.2_mDasNov1.1.hap1 SAMN32738980 PRJNA923799 2023-07-13
363 nine-banded armadillo (mDasNov1 hap2 2023)[IGV] Dasypus novemcinctus GCF_030445035.1_mDasNov1.hap2 SAMN32738980 PRJNA923800 2023-07-13
364 nine-banded armadillo (v3.2 3-136 2012 Baylor)[IGV] Dasypus novemcinctus GCF_000208655.3_Dasnov3.2 SAMN02953623 PRJNA12594 2012-01-06
365 North American deer mouse (MVZ:Mamm:240117 alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Peromyscus maniculatus sonoriensis GCA_026167925.1_mPerMan1.0.a SAMN29044276 PRJNA851173 2022-11-14
366 North American deer mouse (MVZ:Mamm:240117 primary hap 2022)[IGV] Peromyscus maniculatus sonoriensis GCA_026229955.1_mPerMan1.0.p SAMN29044276 PRJNA851174 2022-11-14
367 North American porcupine (mEreDor1 alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Erethizon dorsatum GCA_028500835.1_mEreDor1.alt SAMN32359106 PRJNA915122 2023-02-03
368 North American porcupine (mEreDor1 primary hap 2023)[IGV] Erethizon dorsatum GCA_028451465.1_mEreDor1.pri SAMN32359106 PRJNA915121 2023-02-06
369 North Atlantic right whale (hap1 2023)[IGV] Eubalaena glacialis GCA_028571275.1_mEubGla1.hap1 SAMN32746534 PRJNA924127 2023-02-09
370 North Atlantic right whale (hap2 + XY 2023 refseq)[IGV] Eubalaena glacialis GCF_028564815.1_mEubGla1.1.hap2._XY SAMN32746534 PRJNA924128 2023-02-09
371 North Pacific right whale[IGV] Eubalaena japonica GCA_004363455.1_EubJap_v1_BIUU SAMN07678124 PRJNA399464 2019-03-22
372 northern American river otter[IGV] Lontra canadensis GCF_010015895.1_GSC_riverotter_1.0 SAMN13049247 PRJNA578111 2020-01-27
373 northern bat (alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Eptesicus nilssonii GCA_951640545.1_mEptNil1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA14098186 PRJEB62201 2023-05-18
374 northern bat (primary hap 2023)[IGV] Eptesicus nilssonii GCA_951640355.1_mEptNil1.1 SAMEA14098186 PRJEB62200 2023-05-18
375 northern black mastiff bat (mMolNig1 2022)[IGV] Molossus nigricans GCA_026936385.1_BBF_mMolNig1_v1 SAMN31835895 PRJNA904257 2022-12-16
376 northern bottlenose whale (alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Hyperoodon ampullatus GCA_949752845.1_mHypAmp2.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA10839125 PRJEB60894 2023-04-09
377 northern bottlenose whale (primary hap 2023)[IGV] Hyperoodon ampullatus GCA_949752795.1_mHypAmp2.1 SAMEA10839125 PRJEB60895 2023-04-08
378 northern elephant seal (BS05 2019 Broad)[IGV] Mirounga angustirostris GCA_004023865.1_MirAng_v1_BIUU SAMN07678016 PRJNA399341 2019-01-15
379 northern elephant seal (CCGP_5_RB_7025 hap1 2023 genbank)[IGV] Mirounga angustirostris GCA_029215605.1_mMirAng1.0.hap1 SAMN33386026 PRJNA937321 2023-03-14
380 Northern elephant seal (CCGP_5_RB_7025 hap1 2023 refseq)[IGV] Mirounga angustirostris GCF_029215605.1_mMirAng1.0.hap1 SAMN33386026 PRJNA937321 2023-03-14
381 northern elephant seal (CCGP_5_RB_7025 hap2 2023)[IGV] Mirounga angustirostris GCA_029215635.1_mMirAng1.0.hap2 SAMN33386026 PRJNA937320 2023-03-14
382 northern elephant seal (v3 JK_09032017 2022)[IGV] Mirounga angustirostris GCF_021288785.2_ASM2128878v3 SAMN13072016 PRJNA512907 2022-12-21
383 northern fur seal[IGV] Callorhinus ursinus GCF_003265705.1_ASM326570v1 SAMN09379881 PRJNA475116 2018-06-26
384 northern gundi[IGV] Ctenodactylus gundi GCA_004027205.1_CteGun_v1_BIUU SAMN07678018 PRJNA399344 2019-01-16
385 northern mole vole[IGV] Ellobius talpinus GCA_001685095.1_ETalpinus_0.1 SAMN04317029 PRJNA305123 2016-07-14
386 northern white rhinoceros[IGV] Ceratotherium simum cottoni GCA_004027795.1_CerCot_v1_BIUU SAMN07678069 PRJNA399457 2019-01-16
387 Norway rat (BN/NHsdMcwi 2024 genbank)[IGV] Rattus norvegicus GCA_036323735.1_GRCr8 SAMN38730095 PRJNA1027884 2024-01-31
388 Norway rat (BN/NHsdMcwi 2024 refseq)[IGV] Rattus norvegicus GCF_036323735.1_GRCr8 SAMN38730095 PRJNA1027884 2024-01-31
389 Norway rat BN7 haplotype[IGV] Rattus norvegicus GCA_015244455.1_mRatBN7.1_alternate_haplotype SAMN16261960 PRJNA663241 2020-11-04
390 Norway rat BN7.2[IGV] Rattus norvegicus GCF_015227675.2_mRatBN7.2 SAMN16261960 PRJNA662791 2020-11-10
391 Norway rat celera[IGV] Rattus norvegicus GCF_000002265.2_Rn_Celera SAMN03000701 PRJNA13999 2006-12-06
392 Norway rat Rnor6.0[IGV] Rattus norvegicus GCF_000001895.5_Rnor_6.0 SAMN02808228 PRJNA10629 2014-07-01
393 Norway rat SHR/Utx RGD_8142385 2022[IGV] Rattus norvegicus GCA_023515785.1_UTH_Rnor_SHR_Utx SAMN27519281 PRJNA825507 2022-05-25
394 Norway rat SHRSP/BppUtx 2022[IGV] Rattus norvegicus GCA_021556685.1_UTH_Rnor_SHRSP_BbbUtx_1.0 SAMN24538170 PRJNA793432 2022-01-24
395 Norway rat WKY/Bbb 2022[IGV] Rattus norvegicus GCA_023515805.1_UTH_Rnor_WKY_Bbb_1.0 SAMN27518707 PRJNA825508 2022-05-25
396 nutria[IGV] Myocastor coypus GCA_004027025.1_MyoCoy_v1_BIUU SAMN07678020 PRJNA399346 2019-01-16
397 okapi[IGV] Okapia johnstoni GCA_001660835.1_ASM166083v1 SAMN04526128 PRJNA313910 2016-06-08
398 Ord's kangaroo rat[IGV] Dipodomys ordii GCF_000151885.1_Dord_2.0 SAMN02900551 PRJNA20385 2014-12-12
399 pacarana[IGV] Dinomys branickii GCA_004027595.1_DinBra_v1_BIUU SAMN07678079 PRJNA399389 2019-01-16
400 Pacific pocket mouse (BS65 2019 Broad)[IGV] Perognathus longimembris pacificus GCA_004363475.1_PerLonPac_v1_BIUU SAMN07678105 PRJNA399459 2019-03-22
401 Pacific pocket mouse (PPM17 2022 San Diego Zoo)[IGV] Perognathus longimembris pacificus GCF_023159225.1_ASM2315922v1 SAMN26876106 PRJNA818714 2022-04-27
402 Pacific walrus[IGV] Odobenus rosmarus divergens GCF_000321225.1_Oros_1.0 SAMN01180787 PRJNA167474 2013-01-16
403 Pacific white-sided dolphin[IGV] Lagenorhynchus obliquidens GCF_003676395.1_ASM367639v1 SAMN09386610 PRJNA475306 2018-10-23
404 pale spear-nosed bat (alternate hap MPI-MPIP 2019)[IGV] Phyllostomus discolor GCA_004115245.1_mPhyDis1_v1.h SAMN09948786 PRJNA489142 2019-01-28
405 pale spear-nosed bat (MPI-MPIP v3 mPhyDis1 alternate hap 2020)[IGV] Phyllostomus discolor GCA_004115245.2_mPhyDis1.alti.v3 SAMN09948786 PRJNA489142 2020-05-11
406 pale spear-nosed bat (MPI-MPIP v3 mPhyDis1 primary hap 2020)[IGV] Phyllostomus discolor GCF_004126475.2_mPhyDis1.pri.v3 SAMN09948786 PRJNA489141 2020-05-12
407 Pallas's mastiff bat[IGV] Molossus molossus GCF_014108415.1_mMolMol1.p SAMN14734448 PRJNA628574 2020-08-07
408 pallid bat (TK200870 primary hap 2023)[IGV] Antrozous pallidus GCA_027563665.1_DD_ASM_mAP_20210503 SAMN30225125 PRJNA868156 2023-01-09
409 Parnell's mustached bat (2013)[IGV] Pteronotus parnellii GCA_000465405.1_ASM46540v1 SAMN02212709 PRJNA209408 2013-09-13
410 Parnell's mustached bat (Mesoamerican 2021)[IGV] Pteronotus mesoamericanus GCF_021234165.1_CSHL_Meso_final SAMN21509357 PRJNA751559 2021-12-20
411 particolored bat (primary hap 2024)[IGV] Vespertilio murinus GCA_963924515.1_mVesMur1.1 SAMEA112247422 PRJEB72086 2024-01-29
412 Patagonian cavy[IGV] Dolichotis patagonum GCA_004027295.1_DolPat_v1_BIUU SAMN07678081 PRJNA399391 2019-01-16
413 Pere David's deer[IGV] Elaphurus davidianus GCA_002443075.1_Milu1.0 SAMN03020601 PRJNA256236 2017-10-04
414 Philippine flying lemur (mCynVol1 alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Cynocephalus volans GCA_027409165.1_mCynVol1.alt SAMN32206947 PRJNA911845 2022-12-27
415 Philippine flying lemur (mCynVol1 primary hap 2022 genbank)[IGV] Cynocephalus volans GCA_027409185.1_mCynVol1.pri SAMN32206947 PRJNA911844 2022-12-28
416 Philippine flying lemur (mCynVol1 primary hap 2022 refseq)[IGV] Cynocephalus volans GCF_027409185.1_mCynVol1.pri SAMN32206947 PRJNA911844 2022-12-28
417 pig (Bamei 2023)[IGV] Sus scrofa GCA_030704935.1_ASM3070493v1 SAMN29182547 PRJNA850464 2023-08-10
418 pig (Duroc 2017)[IGV] Sus scrofa GCF_000003025.6_Sscrofa11.1 SAMN02953785 PRJNA13421 2017-02-07
419 pig (USMARCv1 2017)[IGV] Sus scrofa GCA_002844635.1_USMARCv1.0 SAMN07325927 PRJNA392765 2017-12-20
420 plains zebra (Etosha38 2022 UCLA)[IGV] Equus quagga GCF_021613505.1_UCLA_HA_Equagga_1.0 SAMN16526506 PRJNA785630 2022-01-31
421 platypus (alternate hap Pmale09 2020)[IGV] Ornithorhynchus anatinus GCA_004115175.2_mOrnAna1.alt.v3 SAMN08537700 PRJNA489115 2020-04-06
422 platypus (Pmale09 v4 2020)[IGV] Ornithorhynchus anatinus GCF_004115215.2_mOrnAna1.pri.v4 SAMN08537700 PRJNA489114 2020-11-06
423 polar bear (Baiyulong BGI 2014 refseq)[IGV] Ursus maritimus GCF_000687225.1_UrsMar_1.0 SAMN02729226 PRJNA210951 2014-05-09
424 polar bear (UCSC 2021)[IGV] Ursus maritimus GCF_017311325.1_ASM1731132v1 SAMN10734297 PRJNA669153 2021-03-09
425 prairie deer mouse (Baylor 2013)[IGV] Peromyscus maniculatus bairdii GCF_000500345.1_Pman_1.0 SAMN00848614 PRJNA53563 2013-12-03
426 prairie deer mouse (Harvard 2020)[IGV] Peromyscus maniculatus bairdii GCF_003704035.1_HU_Pman_2.1.3 SAMN10150431 PRJNA494228 2020-09-17
427 prairie vole[IGV] Microtus ochrogaster GCF_000317375.1_MicOch1.0 SAMN00727831 PRJNA72443 2012-12-07
428 proboscis bat (hap1 2024)[IGV] Rhynchonycteris naso GCA_037038545.1_mRhyNas2.hap1 SAMN39947078 PRJNA1076651 2024-03-06
429 proboscis bat (hap2 2024)[IGV] Rhynchonycteris naso GCA_037038555.1_mRhyNas2.hap2 SAMN39947078 PRJNA1076652 2024-03-06
430 pronghorn (PH2016 2021)[IGV] Antilocapra americana GCA_021018645.1_ASM2101864v1 SAMN08712244 PRJNA438286 2021-12-01
431 Przewalski's horse (Burgud 2014 refseq)[IGV] Equus przewalskii GCF_000696695.1_Burgud SAMN02808398 PRJNA200657 2014-06-05
432 puma (L17-30 alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Puma concolor GCA_028749965.1_mPumCon1.0.hap2 SAMN30567381 PRJNA887114 2023-02-06
433 puma (L17-30 primary hap 2023)[IGV] Puma concolor GCA_028749985.1_mPumCon1.0.hap1 SAMN30567381 PRJNA887115 2023-02-21
434 puma (SC36_Marlon 2018 refseq)[IGV] Puma concolor GCF_003327715.1_PumCon1.0 SAMN08662999 PRJNA437459 2018-07-19
435 punctate agouti[IGV] Dasyprocta punctata GCA_004363535.1_DasPun_v1_BIUU SAMN07678076 PRJNA399386 2019-03-22
436 pygmy sperm whale[IGV] Kogia breviceps GCA_004363705.1_KogBre_v1_BIUU SAMN07678126 PRJNA399466 2019-03-22
437 pygmy sperm whale (mKogBre1 2022 refseq)[IGV] Kogia breviceps GCF_026419965.1_mKogBre1_haplotype_1 SAMN31719513 PRJNA901930 2022-11-27
438 pygmy sperm whale (mKogBre1 haplotype 2 2022)[IGV] Kogia breviceps GCA_026419985.1_mKogBre1_haplotype_2 SAMN31719513 PRJNA901931 2022-11-27
439 rabbit (New Zealand White DNA-2018 2021 refseq)[IGV] Oryctolagus cuniculus GCF_009806435.1_UM_NZW_1.0 SAMN12179861 PRJNA274594 2021-02-04
440 rabbit (Thorbecke 2009 Broad refseq)[IGV] Oryctolagus cuniculus GCF_000003625.3_OryCun2.0 SAMN02953624 PRJNA12819 2009-10-20
441 raccoon dog (2021)[IGV] Nyctereutes procyonoides GCF_905146905.1_NYPRO_anot_genome SAMEA7690874 PRJEB41734 2021-02-14
442 Rambouillet sheep (Baylor 2017)[IGV] Ovis aries GCF_002742125.1_Oar_rambouillet_v1.0 SAMEA104496890 PRJNA414087 2017-11-02
443 Rambouillet sheep (U.Idaho 2021)[IGV] Ovis aries GCF_016772045.1_ARS-UI_Ramb_v2.0 SAMN17575729 PRJNA675594 2021-02-03
444 ratel[IGV] Mellivora capensis GCA_004024625.1_MelCap_v1_BIUU SAMN07678094 PRJNA399403 2019-01-15
445 red bat[IGV] Lasiurus borealis GCA_004026805.1_LasBor_v1_BIUU SAMN07678027 PRJNA399352 2019-01-16
446 red deer (2021)[IGV] Cervus elaphus GCF_910594005.1_mCerEla1.1 SAMEA7523520 PRJEB45838 2021-07-07
447 red deer (alternate hap 2021)[IGV] Cervus elaphus GCA_910593805.1_mCerEla1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA7523520 PRJEB45837 2021-07-07
448 red fox (hap1 2024)[IGV] Vulpes vulpes GCA_964106825.2_mVulVul1.hap1.2 SAMEA113398840 PRJEB75990 2024-06-27
449 red fox (hap2 2024)[IGV] Vulpes vulpes GCA_964106925.2_mVulVul1.hap2.2 SAMEA113398840 PRJEB75989 2024-06-27
450 red fox (tameXaggressive cross 2018)[IGV] Vulpes vulpes GCF_003160815.1_VulVul2.2 SAMN06553695 PRJNA378561 2018-05-25
451 reed vole (MF-2015 2020)[IGV] Alexandromys fortis GCF_014885135.2_M_Fortis_MF-2015_v1.1 SAMN07276871 PRJNA391843 2020-10-13
452 Reeves' muntjac (alternate hap 2024)[IGV] Muntiacus reevesi GCA_963930665.1_mMunRee1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA110690972 PRJEB72163 2024-01-31
453 Reeves' muntjac (primary hap 2024)[IGV] Muntiacus reevesi GCF_963930625.1_mMunRee1.1 SAMEA110690972 PRJEB72164 2024-01-31
454 reindeer (2023)[IGV] Rangifer tarandus GCA_963422255.1_RTA_final SAMEA114317201 PRJEB65312 2023-09-04
455 reindeer (US061 2019)[IGV] Rangifer tarandus GCA_004026565.1_RanTarSib_v1_BIUU SAMN07678109 PRJNA399416 2019-01-16
456 Rice's whale (hap1 2023)[IGV] Balaenoptera ricei GCA_028017805.1_mBalRic1.hap1 SAMN32629060 PRJNA921697 2023-01-26
457 Rice's whale (hap2 2023 refseq)[IGV] Balaenoptera ricei GCF_028023285.1_mBalRic1.hap2 SAMN32629060 PRJNA921698 2023-01-30
458 Rickett's big-footed myotis (AB-2021 2024)[IGV] Myotis ricketti GCA_036010255.1_ASM3601025v1 SAMN35325326 PRJNA975353 2024-01-23
459 Ryukyu mouse (v2 2017)[IGV] Mus caroli GCF_900094665.2_CAROLI_EIJ_v1.1 SAMEA3367631 PRJEB14895 2017-04-28
460 Saanen dairy goat[IGV] Capra hircus GCA_015443085.1_Saanen_v1 SAMN14408556 PRJNA613503 2020-11-16
461 saddleback dolphin (alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Delphinus delphis GCA_949987525.1_mDelDel1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA111380534 PRJEB61572 2023-04-29
462 saddleback dolphin (primary hap 2023 refseq)[IGV] Delphinus delphis GCF_949987515.1_mDelDel1.1 SAMEA111380534 PRJEB61571 2023-05-01
463 saiga antelope[IGV] Saiga tatarica GCA_004024985.1_SaiTat_v1_BIUU SAMN07678151 PRJNA399418 2019-01-15
464 Schreibers' long-fingered bat (hap1 2024)[IGV] Miniopterus schreibersii GCA_964146895.1_mMinSch1.hap1.1 SAMEA113980738 PRJEB76208 2024-06-06
465 Schreibers' long-fingered bat (hap2 2024)[IGV] Miniopterus schreibersii GCA_964145185.1_mMinSch1.hap2.1 SAMEA113980738 PRJEB76207 2024-06-04
466 Schreibers' long-fingered bat (US075 2019)[IGV] Miniopterus schreibersii GCA_004026525.1_MinSch_v1_BIUU SAMN07678147 PRJNA399366 2019-01-16
467 scimitar-horned oryx[IGV] Oryx dammah GCF_014754425.2_SCBI_Odam_1.1 SAMN14518290 PRJNA622505 2020-09-25
468 Screaming hairy armadillo[IGV] Chaetophractus vellerosus GCA_004027955.1_ChaVel_v1_BIUU SAMN07678071 PRJNA399381 2019-01-16
469 sea otter (GAN:26980312 2017 refseq)[IGV] Enhydra lutris kenyoni GCF_002288905.1_ASM228890v2 SAMN07211055 PRJNA388419 2017-09-11
470 Seba's short-tailed bat[IGV] Carollia perspicillata GCA_004027735.1_CarPer_v1_BIUU SAMN07678055 PRJNA399439 2019-01-16
471 sheep (OAR_USU_Benz2616 2023)[IGV] Ovis aries GCF_016772045.2_ARS-UI_Ramb_v3.0 n/a PRJNA675594 2023-07-20
472 sheep (Texel 2015)[IGV] Ovis aries GCA_000298735.2_Oar_v4.0 SAMN00116405 PRJNA169880 2015-11-20
473 shrew mouse[IGV] Mus pahari GCF_900095145.1_PAHARI_EIJ_v1.1 SAMEA3367645 PRJEB14896 2017-04-28
474 Siberian hamster (SSSS 2022)[IGV] Phodopus sungorus GCA_023856395.1_Psun_UM_1.1 SAMN23733487 PRJNA786909 2022-06-29
475 Siberian musk deer (BS20 2019 Broad)[IGV] Moschus moschiferus GCA_004024705.1_MosMos_v1_BIUU SAMN07678096 PRJNA399405 2019-01-15
476 small Madagascar hedgehog[IGV] Echinops telfairi GCF_000313985.2_ASM31398v2 SAMN00216137 PRJNA12590 2019-07-15
477 smoky shrew (2023)[IGV] Sorex fumeus GCF_029834395.1_SorFum_2.1 SAMN33271612 PRJNA826195 2023-04-17
478 snow leopard (11264 2022)[IGV] Panthera uncia GCF_023721935.1_Puncia_PCG_1.0 SAMN13911153 PRJNA602938 2022-06-16
479 snowshoe hare[IGV] Lepus americanus GCA_004026855.1_LepAme_v1_BIUU SAMN07678042 PRJNA399359 2019-01-16
480 social tuco-tuco[IGV] Ctenomys sociabilis GCA_004027165.1_CteSoc_v1_BIUU SAMN07678051 PRJNA399368 2019-01-16
481 soprano pipistrelle (alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Pipistrellus pygmaeus GCA_949987765.1_mPipPyg2.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA9921456 PRJEB61582 2023-04-29
482 soprano pipistrelle (primary hap 2023)[IGV] Pipistrellus pygmaeus GCA_949987585.1_mPipPyg2.1 SAMEA9921456 PRJEB61581 2023-05-01
483 South African ground squirrel[IGV] Xerus inauris GCA_004024805.1_XerIna_v1_BIUU SAMN07678119 PRJNA399425 2019-01-15
484 Southeastern Asian house mouse (2016)[IGV] Mus musculus castaneus GCA_001624445.1_CAST_EiJ_v1 SAMN04489822 PRJNA310854 2016-04-26
485 Southeastern Asian house mouse (2022)[IGV] Mus musculus castaneus GCA_921999005.2_CAST_EiJ_v3 SAMEA9544174 PRJEB47108 2022-07-01
486 Southeastern Asian house mouse (T2T 2024)[IGV] Mus musculus castaneus GCA_964188545.1_CAST_EiJ_T2T_v1 SAMEA115765482 PRJEB47108 2024-06-23
487 southern elephant seal[IGV] Mirounga leonina GCF_011800145.1_KU_Mleo_1.0 SAMN13282320 PRJNA587380 2020-03-31
488 southern grasshopper mouse (2020)[IGV] Onychomys torridus GCF_903995425.1_mOncTor1.1 SAMEA104026389 PRJEB39770 2020-08-21
489 southern multimammate mouse[IGV] Mastomys coucha GCF_008632895.1_UCSF_Mcou_1 SAMN07635206 PRJNA406979 2019-09-24
490 southern tamandua (mTamTet1 alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Tamandua tetradactyla GCA_023853755.1_mTamTet1.alt SAMN12612337 PRJNA561940 2022-06-22
491 southern tamandua (mTamTet1 primary hap 2022)[IGV] Tamandua tetradactyla GCA_023851605.1_mTamTet1.pri SAMN12612337 PRJNA561939 2022-06-22
492 southern three-banded armadillo[IGV] Tolypeutes matacus GCA_004025125.1_TolMat_v1_BIUU SAMN07678115 PRJNA399423 2019-01-15
493 southern two-toed sloth (mChoDid1 alternate hap 2020)[IGV] Choloepus didactylus GCA_015220265.1_mChoDid1.alt SAMN12612024 PRJNA561938 2020-11-02
494 southern two-toed sloth (mChoDid1 primary hap 2020)[IGV] Choloepus didactylus GCF_015220235.1_mChoDid1.pri SAMN12612024 PRJNA561937 2020-11-03
495 southern white rhinoceros (SDZICR_KB13650 2012 refseq)[IGV] Ceratotherium simum simum GCF_000283155.1_CerSimSim1.0 SAMN00778988 PRJNA74583 2012-07-31
496 Sowerby's beaked whale (hap1 2024)[IGV] Mesoplodon bidens GCA_964165515.1_mMesBid2.hap1.1 SAMEA112165298 PRJEB76218 2024-06-06
497 Sowerby's beaked whale (hap2 2024)[IGV] Mesoplodon bidens GCA_964148845.1_mMesBid2.hap2.1 SAMEA112165298 PRJEB76217 2024-06-06
498 Sowerby's beaked whale (US080 2019)[IGV] Mesoplodon bidens GCA_004027085.1_MesBid_v1_BIUU SAMN07678145 PRJNA399476 2019-01-16
499 sperm whale (SW-GA 2023)[IGV] Physeter catodon GCF_002837175.3_ASM283717v5 SAMN07836523 PRJNA411766 2023-02-28
500 star-nosed mole[IGV] Condylura cristata GCF_000260355.1_ConCri1.0 SAMN00727830 PRJNA72447 2012-05-01
501 Steller sea lion[IGV] Eumetopias jubatus GCF_004028035.1_ASM402803v1 SAMN09402722 PRJNA475770 2019-01-15
502 Stephens's kangaroo rat[IGV] Dipodomys stephensi GCA_004024685.1_DipSte_v1_BIUU SAMN07678080 PRJNA399390 2019-01-15
503 steppe mouse (ZRU 2018)[IGV] Mus spicilegus GCA_003336285.1_MUSP714 SAMN08141584 PRJNA421365 2018-07-23
504 straw-colored fruit bat[IGV] Eidolon helvum GCA_000465285.1_ASM46528v1 SAMN02212690 PRJNA209406 2013-09-13
505 stripe-headed round-eared bat[IGV] Tonatia bakeri GCA_004024845.1_TonSau_v1_BIUU SAMN07678031 PRJNA399356 2019-01-15
506 striped dolphin (alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Stenella coeruleoalba GCA_951394445.1_mSteCoe1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA111380539 PRJEB62075 2023-05-13
507 striped dolphin (primary hap 2023)[IGV] Stenella coeruleoalba GCA_951394435.1_mSteCoe1.1 SAMEA111380539 PRJEB62076 2023-06-16
508 striped hyena (BS54 2019 Broad)[IGV] Hyaena hyaena GCA_004023945.1_HyaHya_v1_BIUU SAMN07678047 PRJNA399363 2019-01-15
509 striped hyena (Hyena2069 2018 Potsdam U)[IGV] Hyaena hyaena GCF_003009895.1_ASM300989v1 SAMN07212965 PRJNA390068 2018-03-19
510 sugar glider (PSGF00001 2023)[IGV] Petaurus breviceps papuanus GCA_028583685.1_PetGlider_PUasm1.0 SAMN29152153 PRJNA849992 2023-02-10
511 Sumatran rhinoceros (Ipuh 2017)[IGV] Dicerorhinus sumatrensis sumatrensis GCA_002844835.1_ASM284483v1 SAMN07833945 PRJNA415733 2017-12-19
512 Sunda flying lemur (2014 WashU)[IGV] Galeopterus variegatus GCF_000696425.1_G_variegatus-3.0.2 SAMN01758971 PRJNA20511 2014-06-05
513 Sunda flying lemur (US047 2019 Broad)[IGV] Galeopterus variegatus GCA_004027255.1_GalVar_v1_BIUU SAMN07678019 PRJNA399345 2019-01-16
514 tailed tailless bat[IGV] Anoura caudifer GCA_004027475.1_AnoCau_v1_BIUU SAMN07678033 PRJNA399350 2019-01-16
515 takin (Tak-1 2022)[IGV] Budorcas taxicolor GCF_023091745.1_Takin1.1 SAMN22814979 PRJNA776710 2022-04-22
516 Talazac's shrew tenrec[IGV] Nesogale talazaci GCA_004026705.1_MicTal_v1_BIUU SAMN07678058 PRJNA399450 2019-01-16
517 tammar wallaby (mMacEug1 alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Notamacropus eugenii GCA_028389975.1_mMacEug1.alt SAMN28408687 PRJNA838351 2023-02-01
518 tammar wallaby (mMacEug1 primary hap 2023)[IGV] Notamacropus eugenii GCA_028372415.1_mMacEug1.pri SAMN28408687 PRJNA838350 2023-02-06
519 Tasmanian devil[IGV] Sarcophilus harrisii GCF_902635505.1_mSarHar1.11 SAMEA6099886 PRJEB35073 2019-11-07
520 thirteen-lined ground squirrel (2021 HiC)[IGV] Ictidomys tridecemlineatus GCF_016881025.1_HiC_Itri_2 SAMN08111062 PRJNA647389 2021-02-17
521 tiger[IGV] Panthera tigris GCF_018350195.1_P.tigris_Pti1_mat1.1 SAMN17054330 PRJNA684344 2021-05-13
522 Townsend's big-eared bat (haplotype 1 of 2 COTO_CA2020_CCGP 2022)[IGV] Corynorhinus townsendii GCA_026230055.1_mCorTow1.0.hap1 SAMN31536067 PRJNA896196 2022-11-18
523 Townsend's big-eared bat (haplotype 2 of 2 COTO_CA2020_CCGP 2022)[IGV] Corynorhinus townsendii GCA_026230045.1_mCorTow1.0.hap2 SAMN31536067 PRJNA896195 2022-11-18
524 Transcaucasian mole vole[IGV] Ellobius lutescens GCA_001685075.1_ASM168507v1 SAMN04317027 PRJNA305123 2016-07-14
525 Upper Galilee mountains blind mole rat (2095 2014 refseq)[IGV] Nannospalax galili GCF_000622305.1_S.galili_v1.0 SAMN02299330 PRJNA213569 2014-06-05
526 Vancouver Island marmot (RANI-1049 2019)[IGV] Marmota vancouverensis GCA_005458795.1_GSC_VIM_1.0 SAMN09425912 PRJNA476112 2019-05-16
527 vaquita (alternate hap mPhoSin1 2019)[IGV] Phocoena sinus GCA_008692045.1_mPhoSin1.alt SAMN12325353 PRJNA557832 2019-09-24
528 vaquita (mPhoSin1 2019)[IGV] Phocoena sinus GCF_008692025.1_mPhoSin1.pri SAMN12325353 PRJNA557831 2019-09-26
529 water buffalo (Mediterranean 2018)[IGV] Bubalus bubalis GCF_003121395.1_ASM312139v1 SAMN08640746 PRJNA437177 2018-05-14
530 water buffalo (Murrah 2021)[IGV] Bubalus bubalis GCF_019923935.1_NDDB_SH_1 SAMN11104991 PRJNA525182 2021-09-10
531 Weddell seal (WS11-02 2013 refseq)[IGV] Leptonychotes weddellii GCF_000349705.1_LepWed1.0 SAMN00672463 PRJNA68235 2013-03-29
532 western European hedgehog (2012 refseq)[IGV] Erinaceus europaeus GCF_000296755.1_EriEur2.0 SAMN00760989 PRJNA74585 2012-09-19
533 western European hedgehog (alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Erinaceus europaeus GCA_950295305.1_mEriEur2.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA13207416 PRJEB61757 2023-05-01
534 western European hedgehog (primary hap 2023 refseq)[IGV] Erinaceus europaeus GCF_950295315.1_mEriEur2.1 SAMEA13207416 PRJEB61758 2023-05-01
535 western European house mouse (WSB_EiJ v3 2022)[IGV] Mus musculus domesticus GCA_921998345.2_WSB_EiJ_v3 SAMEA9544176 PRJEB47108 2022-07-01
536 western spotted skunk[IGV] Spilogale gracilis GCA_004023965.1_SpiGra_v1_BIUU SAMN07678050 PRJNA399437 2019-01-15
537 western wild mouse (SPRET_EiJ v3 2022)[IGV] Mus spretus GCA_921997135.2_SPRET_EiJ_v3 SAMEA9544175 PRJEB47108 2022-06-30
538 whiskered bat (hap1 2024)[IGV] Myotis mystacinus GCA_964094495.2_mMyoMys1.hap1.1 SAMEA114250307 PRJEB76004 2024-06-12
539 whiskered bat (hap2 2024)[IGV] Myotis mystacinus GCA_964195625.1_mMyoMys1.hap2.1 SAMEA114250307 PRJEB76003 2024-06-30
540 white-beaked dolphin (alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Lagenorhynchus albirostris GCA_949774935.1_mLagAlb1.1_alternate_haplotype SAMEA111380537 PRJEB60993 2023-04-09
541 white-beaked dolphin (primary hap 2023 refseq)[IGV] Lagenorhynchus albirostris GCF_949774975.1_mLagAlb1.1 SAMEA111380537 PRJEB60994 2023-04-08
542 white-footed mouse[IGV] Peromyscus leucopus GCF_004664715.2_UCI_PerLeu_2.1 SAMN03488028 PRJNA281425 2020-10-02
543 white-tailed deer (Pink-7 2017 refseq)[IGV] Odocoileus virginianus texanus GCF_002102435.1_Ovir.te_1.0 SAMN05363940 PRJNA317745 2017-04-20
544 white-toothed pygmy shrew (mSunEtr1 alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Suncus etruscus GCA_024140225.1_mSunEtr1.alt.cur SAMN28420931 PRJNA839355 2022-07-05
545 white-toothed pygmy shrew (mSunEtr1 primary hap 2022)[IGV] Suncus etruscus GCF_024139225.1_mSunEtr1.pri.cur SAMN28420931 PRJNA838699 2022-07-06
546 wild Bactrian camel (BCGSAC Cfer 1.0 YT-003-E 2020)[IGV] Camelus ferus GCF_009834535.1_BCGSAC_Cfer_1.0 SAMN12102236 PRJNA550024 2020-01-08
547 wild Bactrian camel (CB1 Naran 2013 refseq)[IGV] Camelus ferus GCF_000311805.1_CB1 SAMN01910617 PRJNA76177 2013-07-30
548 wild goat[IGV] Capra aegagrus GCA_000978405.1_CapAeg_1.0 SAMN03282421 PRJNA261263 2015-04-24
549 wild yak[IGV] Bos mutus GCF_000298355.1_BosGru_v2.0 SAMN00744358 PRJNA74739 2013-01-09
550 woodchuck (v1.1 L192 2022)[IGV] Marmota monax GCF_021218885.2_Marmota_monax_Labrador192_F-V1.1 SAMN21332666 PRJNA761405 2022-08-11
551 woodland dormouse[IGV] Graphiurus murinus GCA_004027655.1_GraMur_v1_BIUU SAMN07678085 PRJNA399395 2019-01-16
552 woodland thicket rat[IGV] Grammomys surdaster GCF_004785775.1_NIH_TR_1.0 SAMN11172698 PRJNA526040 2019-04-12
553 Yangtze finless porpoise (v2 wild 2018 refseq)[IGV] Neophocaena asiaeorientalis asiaeorientalis GCF_003031525.2_Neophocaena_asiaeorientalis_V1.1 SAMN05831577 PRJNA343136 2018-04-03
554 Yangtze River dolphin (v1.1 BGI 2013 refseq)[IGV] Lipotes vexillifer GCF_000442215.2_Lipotes_vexillifer_v1.1 SAMN02953859 PRJNA174066 2013-07-24
555 yellow-bellied marmot (SJ_83 v2.1 2019)[IGV] Marmota flaviventris GCF_003676075.3_GSC_YBM_2.1 SAMN10078668 PRJNA491472 2019-05-24
556 yellow-footed antechinus (v2 Samford, QLD, Australia AdamAnt 2021)[IGV] Antechinus flavipes GCF_016432865.1_AdamAnt_v2 SAMN16807749 PRJNA565840 2021-01-06
557 yellow-spotted hyrax[IGV] Heterohyrax brucei GCA_004026845.1_HetBruBak_v1_BIUU SAMN07678088 PRJNA399398 2019-01-16
558 yellow-spotted hyrax (mHetBru1 2023)[IGV] Heterohyrax brucei GCA_028571685.1_mHetBru1.pri SAMN33092455 PRJNA931597 2023-02-10
559 yellow-spotted hyrax (mHetBru1 alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Heterohyrax brucei GCA_028571665.1_mHetBru1.alt SAMN33092455 PRJNA931598 2023-02-08
560 Yuma myotis (MYYU_CA2020_CCGP alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Myotis yumanensis GCA_028536395.1_mMyoYum1.0.hap2 SAMN30526064 PRJNA887415 2023-02-07
561 Yuma myotis (MYYU_CA2020_CCGP primary hap 2023)[IGV] Myotis yumanensis GCA_028538775.1_mMyoYum1.0.hap1 SAMN30526064 PRJNA887416 2023-02-10
562 zebu cattle (Hainan HN024 2024)[IGV] Bos indicus GCA_039881165.1_ASM3988116v1 SAMN26237614 PRJNA810280 2024-05-29
563 zebu cattle (Nelore 2014 refseq)[IGV] Bos indicus GCF_000247795.1_Bos_indicus_1.0 SAMN02953802 PRJNA72827 2014-11-25

Additional hubs with collections of assemblies
Collection Hub index pages: Assembly statistics: Track statistics:
Primates 217 assemblies assembly stats track stats
Mammals 563 assemblies assembly stats track stats
Birds 383 assemblies assembly stats track stats
Fishes 412 assemblies assembly stats track stats
other vertebrates 248 assemblies assembly stats track stats
Invertebrates 1099 assemblies assembly stats track stats
Plants 303 assemblies assembly stats track stats
Fungi 899 assemblies assembly stats track stats
Viruses 286 assemblies assembly stats track stats
Bacteria 107 assemblies assembly stats track stats
legacy/superseded 521 assemblies assembly stats track stats
collections below are subsets of the assemblies above
VGP - Vertebrate Genome Project 952 assemblies assembly stats track stats
CCGP - The California Conservation Genomics Project 126 assemblies assembly stats track stats
HPRC - Human Pangenome Reference Consortium 96 assemblies assembly stats track stats
BRC - BRC Analytics - Bioinformatics Research Center 769 assemblies assembly stats track stats