CCGP - California Conservation Genomics Project assembly hub

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This assembly hub contains assemblies released by the California Conservation Genomics Project.

How to view the assembly of interest

The links to the genome browser in the table below will attach that one specific assembly to the genome browser. Use the links in the column labeled common name and view in browser to view that assembly in the genome browser.

See also: assembly statisticstrack statistics <== additional information for these assemblies.

Cite reference: To reference these resources in publications, please credit:

Clawson, H., Lee, B.T., Raney, B.J. et al. "GenArk: towards a million UCSC genome browsers.
Genome Biol 24, 217 (2023).

Data resource links

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The other links provide access to NCBI resources for these assemblies.
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1 acorn woodpecker (bairdi alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Melanerpes formicivorus GCA_026170555.1_bMelFor1.0.a SAMN30523671 PRJNA875157 2022-11-14 birds
2 acorn woodpecker (bairdi primary hap 2022)[IGV] Melanerpes formicivorus GCA_026170545.1_bMelFor1.0.p SAMN30523671 PRJNA875158 2022-11-14 birds
3 American black bear (L20-20 alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Ursus americanus GCA_024610745.1_mUrsAme1.0.a SAMN29046565 PRJNA851482 2022-08-10 mammals
4 American black bear (L20-20 primary hap 2022)[IGV] Ursus americanus GCA_024610735.1_mUrsAme1.0.p SAMN29046565 PRJNA851483 2022-08-10 mammals
5 American ruby spot damselfly (1083.01 alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Hetaerina americana GCA_022747625.1_ioHetAmer1.0.a SAMN24913893 PRJNA796998 2022-03-28 insects
6 American ruby spot damselfly (1083.01 primary hap 2022)[IGV] Hetaerina americana GCA_022747635.1_ioHetAmer1.0.p SAMN24913893 PRJNA796999 2022-03-28 insects
7 ant C.vicinus (PSW18456_S1 2022)[IGV] Camponotus vicinus GCA_025532165.1_iyCamVici1.0 SAMN30501363 PRJNA874059 2022-10-03 insects
8 arroyo chub (AC-1 alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Gila orcuttii GCA_026230005.1_fGilOrc1.0.hap1 SAMN31536034 PRJNA896189 2022-11-18 fish
9 arroyo chub (AC-1 primary hap 2022)[IGV] Gila orcuttii GCA_026230025.1_fGilOrc1.0.hap2 SAMN31536034 PRJNA896188 2022-11-18 fish
10 bay (USA: Berkeley CA var. californica CCGP_DODD_UMBCAL_S1 alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Umbellularia californica GCA_028538565.1_dmUmbCali1.0.hap2 SAMN30524115 PRJNA887119 2023-02-07 plants
11 bay (USA: Berkeley CA var. californica CCGP_DODD_UMBCAL_S1 primary hap 2023)[IGV] Umbellularia californica GCA_028534965.1_dmUmbCali1.0.hap1 SAMN30524115 PRJNA887120 2023-02-07 plants
12 bigberry manzanita (GLNDR_RDG_Rd-6 2022)[IGV] Arctostaphylos glauca GCA_019985065.2_ddArcGlau1.1p SAMN19489519 PRJNA735273 2022-02-20 plants
13 bigberry manzanita (GLNDR_RDG_Rd-6 alternate hap 2021)[IGV] Arctostaphylos glauca GCA_019985075.1_ddArcGlau1.0.a SAMN19489519 PRJNA735272 2021-09-14 plants
14 black abalone (W230 alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Haliotis cracherodii GCA_022045225.1_xgHalCrac1.a SAMN22937412 PRJNA778265 2022-02-07 invertebrate
15 black abalone (W230 primary hap 2022)[IGV] Haliotis cracherodii GCA_022045235.1_xgHalCrac1.p SAMN22937412 PRJNA778266 2022-02-08 invertebrate
16 black cottonwood (Ptri.A.LA.226.w1 alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Populus trichocarpa GCA_028534865.1_ddPopTric1.0.hap2 SAMN29046698 PRJNA887116 2023-02-07 plants
17 black cottonwood (Ptri.A.LA.226.w1 primary hap 2023)[IGV] Populus trichocarpa GCA_028534895.1_ddPopTric1.0.hap1 SAMN29046698 PRJNA887117 2023-02-07 plants
18 black perch (LCO1_2020_lvr alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Embiotoca jacksoni GCA_022578405.1_fEmbJac1.0.a SAMN24959158 PRJNA796978 2022-03-15 fish
19 black perch (LCO1_2020_lvr primary hap 2022)[IGV] Embiotoca jacksoni GCA_022577435.1_fEmbJac1.0.p SAMN24959158 PRJNA796979 2022-03-15 fish
20 Blainville's horned lizard (alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Phrynosoma blainvillii GCA_026167975.1_rPhrBla1.0.hap2 SAMN29046554 PRJNA873121 2022-11-14 reptiles
21 Blainville's horned lizard (primary hap 2022)[IGV] Phrynosoma blainvillii GCA_026167985.1_rPhrBla1.0.hap1 SAMN29046554 PRJNA873122 2022-11-14 reptiles
22 bobcat (Redwood Valley CCGP_SWC_20201006 alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Lynx rufus GCA_022079275.1_mLynRuf1.a SAMN23391104 PRJNA782956 2022-02-08 mammals
23 bobcat (Redwood Valley CCGP_SWC_20201006 primary hap 2022)[IGV] Lynx rufus GCF_022079265.1_mLynRuf1.p SAMN23391104 PRJNA782957 2022-02-08 mammals
24 Botta's pocket gopher (bottae MVZ:Mamm:240275 alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Thomomys bottae GCA_024803775.1_mThoBot1.0.a SAMN29044214 PRJNA851165 2022-08-31 mammals
25 Botta's pocket gopher (bottae MVZ:Mamm:240275 primary hap 2022)[IGV] Thomomys bottae GCA_024803745.1_mThoBot1.0.p SAMN29044214 PRJNA851166 2022-09-01 mammals
26 California black rail (168171201 alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Laterallus jamaicensis coturniculus GCA_022605925.1_bLatJam1.0.a SAMN24505262 PRJNA794173 2022-03-17 birds
27 California black rail (168171201 primary hap 2022)[IGV] Laterallus jamaicensis coturniculus GCA_022605575.1_bLatJam1.0.p SAMN24505262 PRJNA794174 2022-03-17 birds
28 California black walnut (Jcal.S.LA.6 alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Juglans californica GCA_023349545.1_dhJugClai1.0.a SAMN25062275 PRJNA807333 2022-05-12 plants
29 California black walnut (Jcal.S.LA.6 primary hap 2022)[IGV] Juglans californica GCA_023349395.1_dhJugCali1.0.p SAMN25062275 PRJNA807334 2022-05-12 plants
30 California glossy snake (A.elegans occidentalis HBS 135684 alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Arizona elegans GCA_022578425.1_rAriEle1.0.a SAMN24818160 PRJNA796780 2022-03-15 reptiles
31 California glossy snake (A.elegans occidentalis HBS 135684 primary hap 2022)[IGV] Arizona elegans GCA_022577455.1_rAriEle1.0.p SAMN24818160 PRJNA796781 2022-03-15 reptiles
32 California mussel (2022)[IGV] Mytilus californianus GCF_021869535.1_xbMytCali1.0.p SAMN24505264 PRJNA796333 2022-02-02 invertebrate
33 California mussel (M0D057914Y alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Mytilus californianus GCA_021869935.1_xbMytCali1.0.a SAMN24505264 PRJNA796332 2022-02-02 invertebrate
34 California quail (MVZ:Bird:193975 alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Callipepla californica brunnescens GCA_023055725.1_bCalCai1.0.a SAMN26894057 PRJNA819181 2022-04-19 birds
35 California quail (MVZ:Bird:193975 primary hap 2022)[IGV] Callipepla californica brunnescens GCA_023055505.1_bCalCai1.0.p SAMN26894057 PRJNA819182 2022-05-05 birds
36 California scrub oak (Qber.S.LA.60 alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Quercus berberidifolia GCA_028535905.1_dhQueBerb1.0.hap2 SAMN29046699 PRJNA887128 2023-02-07 plants
37 California scrub oak (Qber.S.LA.60 primary hap 2023)[IGV] Quercus berberidifolia GCA_028535815.1_dhQueBerb1.0.hap1 SAMN29046699 PRJNA887129 2023-02-07 plants
38 California sheephead (SPU_LCO1_2020_fin alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Semicossyphus pulcher GCA_022749735.1_fSemPul1.0.a SAMN25656429 PRJNA807365 2022-03-29 fish
39 California sheephead (SPU_LCO1_2020_fin primary hap 2022)[IGV] Semicossyphus pulcher GCA_022749685.1_fSemPul1.0.p SAMN25656429 PRJNA807366 2022-03-29 fish
40 California vole (kernensis MVZ Mamm 240107 primary hap 2023)[IGV] Microtus californicus GCA_028537955.1_mMicCal1.0.hap1 SAMN31837211 PRJNA904290 2023-02-07 mammals
41 California vole (kernensis MVZ Mamm 240107 alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Microtus californicus GCA_028537755.1_mMicCal1.0.hap2 SAMN31837211 PRJNA904289 2023-02-07 mammals
42 gopher snake (HBS135680 alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Pituophis catenifer annectens GCA_029215685.1_rPitCat1.0.hap2 SAMN33386007 PRJNA937313 2023-03-14 reptiles
43 gopher snake (HBS135680 primary hap 2023)[IGV] Pituophis catenifer annectens GCA_029215655.1_rPitCat1.0.hap1 SAMN33386007 PRJNA937314 2023-03-14 reptiles
44 interior live oak (QUWIS_CCGP_1 alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Quercus wislizeni GCA_023055485.1_dhQueWisl1.0.a SAMN26368104 PRJNA819167 2022-04-19 plants
45 interior live oak (QUWIS_CCGP_1 primary hap 2022)[IGV] Quercus wislizeni GCA_023055345.1_dhQueWisl1.0.p SAMN26368104 PRJNA819168 2022-04-19 plants
46 island oak (RSA801373 alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Quercus tomentella GCA_028535165.1_dhQueTome1.0.hap2 SAMN29046697 PRJNA887122 2023-02-07 plants
47 island oak (RSA801373 primary hap 2023)[IGV] Quercus tomentella GCA_028535515.1_dhQueTome1.0.hap1 SAMN29046697 PRJNA887123 2023-02-07 plants
48 little pocket mouse (longimembris alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Perognathus longimembris GCA_024363435.1_mPerLon1.0.a SAMN29044251 PRJNA855967 2022-07-21 mammals
49 little pocket mouse (longimembris primary hap 2022)[IGV] Perognathus longimembris GCA_024363575.1_mPerLon1.0.p SAMN29044251 PRJNA855968 2022-07-21 mammals
50 longjawed orb weaver (CCGP_RG_IND1 alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Tetragnatha versicolor GCA_024610695.1_qqTetVers1.0.a SAMN29044170 PRJNA852227 2022-08-10 arachnid
51 longjawed orb weaver (CCGP_RG_IND1 primary hap 2022)[IGV] Tetragnatha versicolor GCA_024610705.1_qqTetVers1.0.p SAMN29044170 PRJNA852228 2022-08-10 arachnid
52 Merriam's kangaroo rat (MVZ:Mamm:240054 alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Dipodomys merriami GCA_024711525.1_mDipMer1.0.a SAMN29046532 PRJNA851459 2022-08-18 mammals
53 Merriam's kangaroo rat (MVZ:Mamm:240054 primary hap 2022)[IGV] Dipodomys merriami GCA_024711535.1_mDipMer1.0.p SAMN29046532 PRJNA851460 2022-08-18 mammals
54 monkeyface prickleback (CVI_PGR_0920_01 alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Cebidichthys violaceus GCA_023349535.1_fCebVio1.0.a SAMN25872352 PRJNA807353 2022-05-12 fish
55 monkeyface prickleback (CVI_PGR_0920_01 primary hap 2022)[IGV] Cebidichthys violaceus GCA_023349555.1_fCebVio1.0.p SAMN25872352 PRJNA807354 2022-05-12 fish
56 North American deer mouse (MVZ:Mamm:240117 alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Peromyscus maniculatus sonoriensis GCA_026167925.1_mPerMan1.0.a SAMN29044276 PRJNA851173 2022-11-14 mammals
57 North American deer mouse (MVZ:Mamm:240117 primary hap 2022)[IGV] Peromyscus maniculatus sonoriensis GCA_026229955.1_mPerMan1.0.p SAMN29044276 PRJNA851174 2022-11-14 mammals
58 northern elephant seal (CCGP_5_RB_7025 alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Mirounga angustirostris GCA_029215635.1_mMirAng1.0.hap2 SAMN33386026 PRJNA937320 2023-03-14 mammals
59 northern elephant seal (CCGP_5_RB_7025 primary hap 2023)[IGV] Mirounga angustirostris GCA_029215605.1_mMirAng1.0.hap1 SAMN33386026 PRJNA937321 2023-03-15 mammals
60 northern rubber boa (HBS 135849 alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Charina bottae GCA_023362785.1_rChaBot1.0.a SAMN26367999 PRJNA824888 2022-05-13 reptiles
61 northern rubber boa (HBS 135849 primary hap 2022)[IGV] Charina bottae GCA_023362775.1_rChaBot1.0.p SAMN26367999 PRJNA824889 2022-05-13 reptiles
62 Northwestern pond turtle (WTP2003 alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Actinemys marmorata GCA_022086895.1_rActMar1.a SAMN21436765 PRJNA778209 2022-02-08 reptiles
63 Northwestern pond turtle (WTP2003 primary hap 2022)[IGV] Actinemys marmorata GCA_022086475.1_rActMar1.p SAMN21436765 PRJNA778210 2022-02-09 reptiles
64 puma (L17-30 alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Puma concolor GCA_028749965.1_mPumCon1.0.hap2 SAMN30567381 PRJNA887114 2023-02-06 mammals
65 puma (L17-30 primary hap 2023)[IGV] Puma concolor GCA_028749985.1_mPumCon1.0.hap1 SAMN30567381 PRJNA887115 2023-02-21 mammals
66 red abalone (VD_foot alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Haliotis rufescens GCA_023055495.1_xgHalRufe1.0.a SAMN26275698 PRJNA819158 2022-04-19 invertebrate
67 red abalone (VD_foot primary hap 2022)[IGV] Haliotis rufescens GCF_023055435.1_xgHalRufe1.0.p SAMN26275698 PRJNA819159 2022-04-19 invertebrate
68 Ringneck snake (HBS135679 primary hap 2022)[IGV] Diadophis punctatus similis GCA_023053685.1_rDiaPun1.0.p SAMN25872410 PRJNA810488 2022-04-19 reptiles
69 sage sparrow (canescens MVZ Bird 192114 alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Artemisiospiza belli GCA_021966175.1_bArtBel1.0.a SAMN24224802 PRJNA791508 2022-02-04 birds
70 sage sparrow (canescens MVZ Bird 192114 primary hap 2022)[IGV] Artemisiospiza belli GCA_021963965.1_bArtBel1.0.p SAMN24224802 PRJNA791509 2022-02-04 birds
71 San Diegan legless lizard (HBS135921 alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Anniella stebbinsi GCA_029215795.1_rAnnSte1.0.hap2 SAMN33386066 PRJNA938518 2023-03-14 reptiles
72 San Diegan legless lizard (HBS135921 primary hap 2023)[IGV] Anniella stebbinsi GCA_029215775.1_rAnnSte1.0.hap1 SAMN33386066 PRJNA938519 2023-03-14 reptiles
73 San Diegan tiger whiptail (HBS 135688 alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Aspidoscelis tigris stejnegeri GCA_023333555.1_rAspTig1.0.a SAMN25872408 PRJNA810477 2022-05-11 reptiles
74 San Diegan tiger whiptail (HBS 135688 primary hap 2022)[IGV] Aspidoscelis tigris stejnegeri GCA_023333525.1_rAspTig1.0.p SAMN25872408 PRJNA810478 2022-05-11 reptiles
75 San Diego alligator lizard (HBS135686 alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Elgaria multicarinata webbii GCA_023053675.1_rElgMul1.0.a SAMN25872353 PRJNA810482 2022-04-19 reptiles
76 San Diego alligator lizard (HBS135686 primary hap 2022)[IGV] Elgaria multicarinata webbii GCA_023053635.1_rElgMul1.0.p SAMN25872353 PRJNA810483 2022-04-19 reptiles
77 San Diego ringneck snake (HBS135679 alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Diadophis punctatus similis GCA_023053665.1_rDiaPun1.0.a SAMN25872410 PRJNA810487 2022-04-19 reptiles
78 sandblossoms (Phelan CA IGA184 alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Linanthus parryae GCA_023055565.1_ddLinParr1.0.a SAMN26264369 PRJNA819153 2022-04-19 plants
79 sandblossoms (Phelan CA IGA184 primary hap 2022)[IGV] Linanthus parryae GCA_023055425.1_ddLinParr1.0.p SAMN26264369 PRJNA819154 2022-04-19 plants
80 Savannah sparrow (FMNH 499929 alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Passerculus sandwichensis alaudinus GCA_022578375.1_bPasSan1.0.a SAMN24839580 PRJNA796787 2022-03-15 birds
81 Savannah sparrow (FMNH 499929 primary hap 2022)[IGV] Passerculus sandwichensis alaudinus GCA_022577445.1_bPasSan1.0.p SAMN24839580 PRJNA796788 2022-03-15 birds
82 song sparrow (gouldii PMB2087b alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Melospiza melodia GCA_022749775.1_bMelMel1.0.a SAMN24817870 PRJNA796323 2022-03-29 birds
83 song sparrow (gouldii PMB2087b primary hap 2022)[IGV] Melospiza melodia GCA_022749695.1_bMelMel1.0.p SAMN24817870 PRJNA796324 2022-03-29 birds
84 Southern Pacific rattlesnake (HBS135844 alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Crotalus oreganus helleri GCA_024509165.1_rCroOre1.a SAMN25872349 PRJNA807341 2022-08-03 reptiles
85 Southern Pacific rattlesnake (HBS135844 primary hap 2022)[IGV] Crotalus oreganus helleri GCA_024509115.1_rCroOre1.0.p SAMN25872349 PRJNA807342 2022-08-04 reptiles
86 Southwestern pond turtle (HBS135687 alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Actinemys pallida GCA_023634275.1_rActPal1.0.a SAMN25872472 PRJNA810503 2022-06-01 reptiles
87 Southwestern pond turtle (HBS135687 primary hap 2022)[IGV] Actinemys pallida GCA_023634205.1_rActPal1.0.p SAMN25872472 PRJNA810504 2022-06-01 reptiles
88 starburst anemone (CCGP_MDBC_AS_20200803 alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Anthopleura sola GCA_023349385.1_jaAntSola1.0.a SAMN24505220 PRJNA794852 2022-05-12 invertebrate
89 starburst anemone (CCGP_MDBC_AS_20200803 primary hap 2022)[IGV] Anthopleura sola GCA_023349425.1_jaAntSola1.0.p SAMN24505220 PRJNA794853 2022-05-12 invertebrate
90 starfish (M0D059179O alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Pisaster brevispinus GCA_023634265.1_eaPisBrev1.0.a SAMN26263536 PRJNA810505 2022-06-01 invertebrate
91 starfish (M0D059179O primary hap 2022)[IGV] Pisaster brevispinus GCA_023634235.1_eaPisBrev1.0.p SAMN26263536 PRJNA810506 2022-06-01 invertebrate
92 Steller's jay (frontalis alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Cyanocitta stelleri GCA_026168045.1_bCyaSte1.0.a SAMN30523672 PRJNA875160 2022-11-14 birds
93 Steller's jay (frontalis primary hap 2022)[IGV] Cyanocitta stelleri GCA_026167965.1_bCyaSte1.0.p SAMN30523672 PRJNA875161 2022-11-14 birds
94 tidewater goby (DKJ021-1_F 2022)[IGV] Eucyclogobius newberryi GCA_026437355.1_fEucNew1.0.hap2 SAMN31536049 PRJNA896218 2022-11-28 fish
95 tidewater goby (DKJ021-1_F 2022)[IGV] Eucyclogobius newberryi GCA_026437365.1_fEucNew1.0.hap1 SAMN31536049 PRJNA896219 2022-11-28 fish
96 Townsend's big-eared bat (haplotype 1 of 2 COTO_CA2020_CCGP 2022)[IGV] Corynorhinus townsendii GCA_026230055.1_mCorTow1.0.hap1 SAMN31536067 PRJNA896196 2022-11-18 mammals
97 Townsend's big-eared bat (haplotype 2 of 2 COTO_CA2020_CCGP 2022)[IGV] Corynorhinus townsendii GCA_026230045.1_mCorTow1.0.hap2 SAMN31536067 PRJNA896195 2022-11-18 mammals
98 toyon (HeAr 88 alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Heteromeles arbutifolia GCA_024363235.1_drHetArbu1.0.a SAMN29046707 PRJNA851486 2022-07-21 plants
99 toyon (HeAr 88 primary hap 2022)[IGV] Heteromeles arbutifolia GCA_024362995.1_drHetArbu1.0.p SAMN29046707 PRJNA851487 2022-07-21 plants
100 tricolored blackbird (1412-34295 alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Agelaius tricolor GCA_023055385.1_bAgeTri1.0.a SAMN25872474 PRJNA810501 2022-04-19 birds
101 tricolored blackbird (1412-34295 primary hap 2022)[IGV] Agelaius tricolor GCA_023055355.1_bAgeTri1.0.p SAMN25872474 PRJNA810502 2022-04-19 birds
102 valley gartersnake (HBS 135685 alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Thamnophis sirtalis fitchi GCA_029207655.1_rThaSir1.0.hap2 SAMN26367981 PRJNA913137 2023-03-14 reptiles
103 valley gartersnake (HBS 135685 primary hap 2023)[IGV] Thamnophis sirtalis fitchi GCA_029207665.1_rThaSir1.0.hap1 SAMN26367981 PRJNA913138 2023-03-14 reptiles
104 Van Houtte's columbine (alt alternate hap PFEx6 2022)[IGV] Aquilegia eximia GCA_023053535.1_dmAquExim1.0.a SAMN25872407 PRJNA810485 2022-04-19 plants
105 Van Houtte's columbine (PFEx6 primary hap 2022)[IGV] Aquilegia eximia GCA_023053565.1_dmAquExim1.0.p SAMN25872407 PRJNA810486 2022-04-19 plants
106 vernal pool fairy shrimp B.lindahli (BRLI_1 2022)[IGV] Branchinecta lindahli GCA_023053555.1_BRLI_1.1 SAMN26264342 PRJNA811226 2022-04-19 invertebrate
107 vernal pool fairy shrimp B.lynchi (BRLY_001 2022)[IGV] Branchinecta lynchi GCA_023053575.1_BRLY_1.1 SAMN26264359 PRJNA811230 2022-04-19 invertebrate
108 vernal pool tadpole shrimp L.packardi (LEPA_1 2022)[IGV] Lepidurus packardi GCA_023053545.1_LEPA1.1 SAMN26264343 PRJNA811174 2022-04-19 invertebrate
109 Virginia rail (171378401 alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Rallus limicola GCA_022605895.1_bRalLim1.0.a SAMN24505263 PRJNA794194 2022-03-17 birds
110 Virginia rail (171378401 primary hap 2022)[IGV] Rallus limicola GCA_022605955.1_bRalLim1.0.p SAMN24505263 PRJNA794195 2022-03-17 birds
111 western fence lizard (IW3139 2022)[IGV] Sceloporus occidentalis GCA_023333635.1_rSceOcc1.0.a SAMN27480378 PRJNA824882 2022-05-11 reptiles
112 western fence lizard (IW3139 primary hap 2022)[IGV] Sceloporus occidentalis GCA_023333645.1_rSceOcc1.0.p SAMN27480378 PRJNA824883 2022-05-11 reptiles
113 western red-tailed skink (HBS 135693 alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Plestiodon gilberti rubricaudatus GCA_026170595.1_rPleGil1.0.hap2 SAMN30523592 PRJNA874060 2022-11-14 reptiles
114 western red-tailed skink (HBS 135693 primary hap 2022)[IGV] Plestiodon gilberti rubricaudatus GCA_026170395.1_rPleGil1.0.hap1 SAMN30523592 PRJNA874061 2022-11-14 reptiles
115 western scrub-jay (CA MVZ Bird 193978 2023)[IGV] Aphelocoma californica GCA_028536645.1_bAphCal1.0.hap2 SAMN31837216 PRJNA904313 2023-02-07 birds
116 western scrub-jay (CA MVZ Bird 193978 2023)[IGV] Aphelocoma californica GCA_028536675.1_bAphCal1.0.hap1 SAMN31837216 PRJNA904314 2023-02-07 birds
117 western spadefoot toad (HBS 135690 2023)[IGV] Spea hammondii GCA_029215705.1_aSpeHam1.0.hap1 SAMN33386125 PRJNA938521 2023-03-15 amphibians
118 western spadefoot toad (HBS 135690 2023)[IGV] Spea hammondii GCA_029215755.1_aSpeHam1.0.hap2 SAMN33386125 PRJNA938520 2023-03-14 amphibians
119 woolly sculpin (CAN_PGR_092001 alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Clinocottus analis GCA_023055415.1_fCliAna1.0.a SAMN26368113 PRJNA819175 2022-04-19 fish
120 woolly sculpin (CAN_PGR_092001 primary hap 2022)[IGV] Clinocottus analis GCA_023055335.1_fCliAna1.0.p SAMN26368113 PRJNA819176 2022-04-19 fish
121 wrentit (frontalis MVZ Bird 193981 alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Chamaea fasciata GCA_029207785.1_bChaFas1.0.hap2 SAMN33386005 PRJNA936926 2023-03-14 birds
122 wrentit (frontalis MVZ Bird 193981 primary hap 2023)[IGV] Chamaea fasciata GCA_029207755.1_bChaFas1.0.hap1 SAMN33386005 PRJNA936927 2023-03-14 birds
123 yellow warbler (LACM:Birds122168 alternate hap 2022)[IGV] Setophaga petechia GCA_024372515.1_bSetPet1.0.a SAMN29044059 PRJNA851102 2022-07-21 birds
124 yellow warbler (LACM:Birds122168 primary hap 2022)[IGV] Setophaga petechia GCA_024362935.1_bSetPet1.0.p SAMN29044059 PRJNA851103 2022-07-22 birds
125 Yuma myotis (MYYU_CA2020_CCGP alternate hap 2023)[IGV] Myotis yumanensis GCA_028536395.1_mMyoYum1.0.hap2 SAMN30526064 PRJNA887415 2023-02-07 mammals
126 Yuma myotis (MYYU_CA2020_CCGP primary hap 2023)[IGV] Myotis yumanensis GCA_028538775.1_mMyoYum1.0.hap1 SAMN30526064 PRJNA887416 2023-02-10 mammals

Additional hubs with collections of assemblies
Collection Hub index pages: Assembly statistics: Track statistics:
Primates 200 assemblies assembly stats track stats
Mammals 473 assemblies assembly stats track stats
Birds 298 assemblies assembly stats track stats
Fishes 335 assemblies assembly stats track stats
other vertebrates 164 assemblies assembly stats track stats
Invertebrates 625 assemblies assembly stats track stats
Plants 247 assemblies assembly stats track stats
Fungi 598 assemblies assembly stats track stats
Viruses 264 assemblies assembly stats track stats
Bacteria 73 assemblies assembly stats track stats
legacy/superseded 370 assemblies assembly stats track stats
collections below are subsets of the assemblies above
VGP - Vertebrate Genome Project 472 assemblies assembly stats track stats
CCGP - The California Conservation Genomics Project 126 assemblies assembly stats track stats
HPRC - Human Pangenome Reference Consortium 96 assemblies assembly stats track stats