This directory contain human/rat alignments made using the July 2003 human assembly (also known as build 34) vs. the June 2003 rat assembly (also known as rn3). The axtNet subdirectory shows the best mouse/human chain for every part of the mouse genome. For more information on the chain and net algorithms, see the Methods section of the description pages associated with the net and chain tracks. The alignments are in 'axt' format. Each alignment contains three lines and is separated from the next alignment by a space: Line 1 - summarizes the alignment. Line 2 - contains the human sequence with inserts. Line 3 - contains the rat sequence with inserts. The summary line contains 9 blank separated fields with the following meanings: 1 - Alignment number. The first alignment in a file is numbered 0, the next 1, and so forth. 2 - Human chromosome. 3 - Start in human chromosome. The first base is numbered 1. 4 - End in human chromosome. The end base is included. 5 - Rat chromosome. 6 - Start in rat. 7 - End in rat. 8 - Rat strand. If this is '-', the rat start/end fields are relative to the reverse-complemented rat chromosome. 9 - Blastz score. The scoring matrix blastz uses is: A C G T A 91 -114 -31 -123 C -114 100 -125 -31 G -31 -125 100 -114 T -123 -31 -114 91 with a gap open penalty of 400 and a gap extension penalty of 30. The minimum score for an alignment to be kept was 3000 for the first pass, and then 2200 for the second pass, which just restricts the search space to the regions between two alignments found in the first pass. The alignments were done with blastz, which is available from Webb Miller's group at Pennsylvania State University (PSU). Each chromosome was divided into 10010000 base chunks with 10000 bases of overlap. The .lav format blastz output, which does not include the sequence, was converted to .axt with PSU's lavToAxt. The axtNet alignments were processed with chainNet, netSyntenic, and netClass from Jim Kent at UCSC.
Name Last modified Size Description
Parent Directory - chr2.axt.gz 2003-08-25 17:34 65M chr1.axt.gz 2003-08-25 17:26 60M chr3.axt.gz 2003-08-25 17:36 55M chr5.axt.gz 2003-08-25 17:39 49M chr4.axt.gz 2003-08-25 17:38 47M chr6.axt.gz 2003-08-25 17:40 44M chr7.axt.gz 2003-08-25 17:41 40M chr8.axt.gz 2003-08-25 17:42 37M chr11.axt.gz 2003-08-25 17:28 37M chr10.axt.gz 2003-08-25 17:27 36M chr12.axt.gz 2003-08-25 17:29 33M chr9.axt.gz 2003-08-25 17:42 31M chrX.axt.gz 2003-08-25 17:43 31M chr14.axt.gz 2003-08-25 17:30 24M chr15.axt.gz 2003-08-25 17:31 24M chr13.axt.gz 2003-08-25 17:30 23M chr17.axt.gz 2003-08-25 17:32 22M chr16.axt.gz 2003-08-25 17:31 21M chr18.axt.gz 2003-08-25 17:32 19M chr20.axt.gz 2003-08-25 17:35 16M chr19.axt.gz 2003-08-25 17:33 9.2M chr22.axt.gz 2003-08-25 17:35 8.0M chr21.axt.gz 2003-08-25 17:35 7.6M chrY.axt.gz 2003-08-25 17:44 1.8M chr1_random.axt.gz 2003-08-25 17:33 1.1M chrUn_random.axt.gz 2003-08-25 17:43 576K chrX_random.axt.gz 2003-08-25 17:44 448K chr6_random.axt.gz 2003-08-25 17:40 410K chr9_random.axt.gz 2003-08-25 17:43 380K chr17_random.axt.gz 2003-08-25 17:32 269K chr15_random.axt.gz 2003-08-25 17:31 228K chr3_random.axt.gz 2003-08-25 17:36 223K chr10_random.axt.gz 2003-08-25 17:27 222K chr8_random.axt.gz 2003-08-25 17:42 131K chr2_random.axt.gz 2003-08-25 17:35 95K chr4_random.axt.gz 2003-08-25 17:38 76K chr7_random.axt.gz 2003-08-25 17:41 58K chr13_random.axt.gz 2003-08-25 17:30 43K chr5_random.axt.gz 2003-08-25 17:39 20K chrM.axt.gz 2003-08-25 17:43 10K chr18_random.axt.gz 2003-08-25 17:32 833